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"You don't need anymore clothes. The fucking basket is full." For the last half an hour, James has followed me around the store while I thrifted clothing, "I know but this is so cute!" I hold up an old corduroy skirt that matches a hat I tossed in there. "Your just jealous because you can't fit anything in here." I giggle as he huffs, "I don't want to wear dead peoples clothes." He grumbles and I pout before turning away, "Fine, sir. But I'm checking one last section before we leave." He rolls his eyes but followed me nonetheless as I lead him through the few aisles to the back of the store.

"Omg! How did this even get in here?!" I gasp as I hold up an old Elvis record disk. "Who the fuck is that?" James takes the record from me and looks at its sleeve, "His hair is fucking horrible." He snickers as I slap him arm. "Remember when I gave you a bath and sang the song?" I look up at him and blush as his eyes glow a warm pink, "That was his song?" He asks and I nod my head. He carefully puts the record in the box of others I found it in, "What are y-" he picks up the whole box and places it in the cart. "Now we leave." I laugh at his antics and nod my head, "Okay, James." I shake my head as he leads me to the front.

"You should get a job so you can pay for this stuff because I'm getting real sick o- Hey Derek!" I smile warmly at the wary cashier as he looks James up and down. "H-Hey.." He gives me a slight smile that doesn't reach his eyes. I just ignore it and start putting my items on the conveyer belt, "So when did you start working here?" I look up at him and blush as he eyes me silently, "Last week.. Needed a change." He says simply and starts ringing my things up, "Elvis? Horrible man but good music." I smile at his comment and nod, "He ain't like my kind but I can't help but love his music.." I laugh and tuck my curly hair behind my ear, "I say we're good for more than just shining shoes." He chuckles as he rings my stuff and nods his head, "Your funny.. maybe we can hang out sometime? I'd love to see more of you and I just finished my shif-" James coughs loudly behind me and I look up at him, "You okay, baby?" I gently rub his chest and he nods his head once but keeps his face hard, "Yeah, babygirl. I'm fine." His strong hand wraps around my waist and I smile at him before turning around to dig my card out my purse, "But anyway.. What were you saying?" I smile at him and he clears his throat awkwardly, "O-Oh nothing important.. just babbling.." he eyes James warily and I pout, "O-Oh. Okay." I watch as he finishes ringing up the clothes, "47.50." He passes me the bags which I happily hand to James before swiping my card, "Thank you!" I smile warmly as we turn away. "Your so m-" I gasp as James hand roughly comes down on my butt and grips it tightly before dropping. I look up at him surprised and he nods towards the car and I quickly obey, not ready for my next punishment.

The car was silent as we drove onto the main road back home, "Why did you grab my butt like that?" I fidget with my fingers as I look up at James through my lashes, "D-Did I do something wrong?" His lips lift up into a small smile, "No babygirl. Just showing everyone you belong to me." His grip on the wheel tightened and I blushed, "Derek was only being kind and I think he believes we are a normal couple." His hand came down on my tight before giving it a tight squeeze, "He's still suspicious. I could see it in his eyes when he looked at me." I huff and cross my arms, "That's only because your such a bully to him. I bet he's really nice if we got to know him and convinced him we aren't enemies." I puff my cheeks and turn away from him, "Your just a meanie." He sighs loudly next to me before moving his grip off my thigh, "Babygirl. I'm looking out for your safety as your guardian and boyfriend." His hand moves to grab my chin to make me look at him. He pulls in front of the house before turning to look me in my eyes, "I'm not here to make friends. I'm here for you." He places a soft kiss on my head and I only nod slowly. "C'mon. Let's unpack."

I sigh softly as I swing open my door and climb out the car. James is already in the trunk grabbing arm fills of cheap plastic bags, "We should buy the reusable bags to save the turtles." I grab some from his hand and he takes three back so I only carry two, making me pout, "I can carry more than two bags!" I reach for more but he moves them away, "Pay me back with these ribs instead, babygirl." He smirks and I can't help but laugh at him, "Your obsessed with meat! You have a human body so your gonna need veggies eventually." He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "I look human. Im not one." I puff my cheeks and follow him as he walks to the front door, "Well Mr.Shapeshifting-mysterious-demon," I put my hand on my hip as I snatch some bags from his hands, "I'm not a demon specialist so stop being a big butthead." I narrow my eyes at him and he does the same, "Lose the attitude before I fu- Did you lock the door before we left?" I look over to see the front door slightly ajar, "Yes?" He slowly puts the bag down and I follow suit before grabbing his arm, "Dont go in there!" I whisper shout into his bicep as I try to pull him away from the door. "What if you get stabbed or shot o-or something?" His warm hand gently grabbed my own and pulled them gently off his arm. He slowly brings them up to his lips, "I'll be fine, babygirl. Sit in the car and wait for Daddy. Now." His tone was stern as he stepped into the doorway and I quickly obeyed, locking the door behind me.

It seemed like forever passed until he finally came out with a bruised Derek and some other girl in the same condition. I gasp and climb out the car, "Oh my gosh! What happened?!" James kicks Derek who jumps before looking at me shamefully then at the ground. "Found your little friend here sniffing your panties and this fucking cunt going through the kitchen." He smacks the other one in the back of the head and I jump from the sound, "Derek?" I take a step closer and he doesn't keep eye contact as his eyes switch between my own and the ground, "Please look at me." His hands we shaking as he brought his eyes to meet mine, "I-I'm so sorry.." His voice cracked as his face twisted in disgust, "Your just so nice and sweet to me and I didn't expect that.. my friend wanted to meet you so I brought her and she broke in and I went to stop her b-but.." his cheeks tinted pink before his eyes dropped, "I got caught.." I nod my head slowly and look at his friend who seems more angry.

"Why don't we sit down and have a talk? Hm?"

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