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Sunlight peaked though the thin lace curtains as the moon lowered and the sun rose to take its place. I yawn as I go to stretch but stop as a familiar heavy weight holds me down against the soft sheets, "James.." I grumble and he only huffs as he stays in place with his head on my chest. I wrap my legs around his waist as I play with his hair, playing with his soft black strands. His soft purrs rumbled in his chest as his arms tightened around my waist, "No.. sleep." He grumbled lazily as his eyes stayed closed shut. I laugh softly, "But we gotta get ready to get on our flight and I wanna explore!" I whine softly as I gently pull at his strands,earning a soft groan and louder purring from the large man. "Keep pulling my hair and we'll miss the flight." He chuckles as he stands up. I smile as I wrap around him like a koala and let him carry me into the little kitchen. "What do we got to eat?" I look over my shoulder as he opens the fridge to peer inside, "Let's see if we got canned stuff.." James grumbles and frowns, his long arm reaches up into the cabinets and pulls out a can of Cinnamon apples and a container of oats.

"Fuck.." He grumbles as tosses them on the counter, "Can't do nothing with this shit.." I shake my head at him, "We can make apple oatmeal, dummy!" I flick his head and he growls, "You said 'Daddy' wrong." I giggle as I slide down his body to stand on my own, "Go sit down and lemme do my thing in here, Daddy." I correct myself much to James's approval, his hand swiftly swats my butt as he makes his way past me to the kitchen table, "Good girl." He purrs as he sits down at the table, more than happy to not lift a finger.

"I'm surprised you have all these house essentials." I speak up after a moment, "You don't need them but yet you do..." I look to him as he simply shrugs, "I met your grandfather and saw the things he had so I grabbed them." I nod my head slowly, "I'm guessing you grabbed other stuff too." I nod towards the living room. Three desks fill up one of the walls, each covered head to toe in random items and clutter. The bookshelves next to the fireplace matched as books messily sit shoved on their thick oak shelves. "You literally have a giant pile of stuff in the corner." I laugh as he meekly smiles, his eyes wandering around the room. "If it looks interesting then I just picked it up.. I still don't know what most of that stuff is, honestly.." I gasp softly and stop my stirring to fully face him, "Why didn't you say something sooner? I could easily help you." His cheeks burn pink as he looks at his lap, pretending to be interested in his feet, "Whatever..." He grumbled softly as I laughed, "Awe" I coo softly as I pour the mix into the pan, "Big ol' James is blushing!" I tease and he grumbles as he gets up and walks into the living room, flipping down lazily on the couch, his back to me as he watched out the window.

"James.." I frown as I put the pan in the oven and walk into the living room. I slowly take a seat next to him, "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.." I gently grab his chin and turn him to face me, "You know id never hurt you.." His eyes burned into mine. Pink hues swirling slowly as his hands reached out to grab my waist, pulling me into his side, "Coming into this world, I only knew hatred..war..anger..sin." His hands slowly traced my thighs, drawing slow patterns, "I could have walked this world a thousand years and I never would have found a soul as beautiful as yours..." Tears pricked my eyes as his hand moved to mine, "It wasn't until my feet touched the soil God created did I begin t-to.." He hesitated as his hands grasped mine tighter, "Feel." His hands dropped into his lap as he stared at them, "I-It was like a new beginning... another chance, Olivia. Like I was summoned for a reason that I didn't know." I place my hand on his arm, "S-So you began searching?.. F-For your purpose?" I ask softly, he nods his head, "I searched for many years.. Until I met your grandfather." His eyes land on me, "He told me he knew my purpose.. it was to protect you.." Tears stung my eyes as his hands gently moved to cup my face, "Then we met many many years later. The little girl I once knew into a strong beautiful woman who took me into her arms despite her fear of being hurt." I leaned up and pressed my forehead against his, "I am... your purpose?" We sit in silence for a second, our eyes never breaking apart, "You in every sense of the word, my everything. " Tears cascaded down my cheeks, his thumbs gently wiped them away. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch, "I love you.. so much.." His thumbs froze, "Y/You love me?.." His voice was soft as he tilted my head to look up at him, I open my eyes to look into his, "More than you can ever know, James." His lips crashed into mine, pushing my body down against the soft couch. My arms wrapped around his neck as he deepened the kiss, our tongues battling for dominance until his won. I moan softly against his lips before he pulls away, "I love you so much.. so damn much.." His strong hands gripped my thighs as he sat back, pulling me into his lap. We sit in silence for a moment, catching our breaths.

"Tell me you love me."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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