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Sunlight peaked through the overgrown dense trees as fog rolled along their sharp roots. Green moss and vines climb the mighty trunks and up three limbs until they hang off to dangle in the cool still air. "Where are we?" I turn to James as he only looks out the car window. "Home." He slowly climbed out the car, hesitant but yet sure. "Come." I follow behind him closely, stepping out of the car and into the wilderness. My boots sunk into the soft soil below me. Green shrubs and grass grew wildly around us, struggling to grasp what little light that seemed through the leaves above us. But even through the fog and green there was a little worn down path.

James said nothing as he took the lead, silently walking along the forest. I didn't hesitate to follow closely behind once again. My hands gripped his black shirt as we ventured deeper and deeper, "James?" He keeps walking but bums in acknowledgment, "Where is home?" I ask and he stops his movements, "Close." He says simply before walking again.

The path was narrow and winding as we walked for another ten minutes. Birds sang above us as ants rushed around our feet, scavenging for whatever food they may come upon. "So tiny.." I whisper to myself as I watch a chipmunk run up the trunk of a tree. I feel James eyes on me and I gasp softly as they turn a bright pink, "C'mere.." he lowers to the ground and holds his arms behind his back, "Get on." I don't hesitate to climb on his back, more than happy to be close to him again. "Are we close?" I rest my chin on his shoulder as he stands once again, continuing our walk. "We are here." He motions ahead of us to a clearing.

The worn brown path winds through the tall grass until it reaches the old worn down wooden porch As we walk up to the old cabin. "Where did you find this?" I reach out to caress the old wooden beams of the porch. Thick vines and moss climb up the walls of the old home, "It's pretty.." I tear a small leaf off the vine and play with it in my fingers. James stays silent as he slowly pushes the door open. It's loud creak fills the still air trapped inside the old building. "Wow.." I gasp softly as I look around. The living room was like an antique shop. Old fashioned couches and a coffee table surround a large stone fireplace. Bookshelves that touch the ceiling stand stuffed with books and random objects. "This is..home." James voice was soft as he gently placed me down. He takes my hand as he leads me through every room. The kitchen was dated but still functional and held canned food. James was more than happy to supply any meat needed as he noticed my confusion, "I'll hunt, babygirl." He motioned to the window and I looked out into the forest before he pulled me out the kitchen into the bathroom with a surprisingly nice tub and sink. "It's not new but we can use it." I smile at him and he nods before pulling me once again to the next room. "The bedroom." I gasp softly as the large king size bed that filled the room. It's thick oak framed stood proudly as carvings of different animals decorated it. "Wow..." I run my hand over the smooth carvings as James stood beside me silently.

"How did you find this place?" I slowly turn around to sit on the bed, "It's in the middle of nowhere." I lay back slowly and sigh softly, the mattress more that comfy after the long car ride. "I built it." James turned away as he took off his shoes, kicking them into the closet. My mouth hangs open as I watch him in amazement. He turns back to me and scowls as his cheeks turn pink, "S-Stop that.. it's not that serious." He scratches the back of his head as he looked away at the wall. I sit up in the bed, "James.." I gently grab his shirt and pull him down to me, our eyes connecting, "You did amazing! This house is so beautiful and I can tell you worked so hard to make it." I couldn't help my smile as his cheeks burned redder. "Y-Yeah... whatever..." He grumbled as he slid off my shoes and then my pants. I laughed as I cupped his cheeks gently, "Your blushing." I tease and he rolls his eyes, "No I'm not.. Demons don't blush." He pouts as I laugh loudly, "Your cheeks say otherwise, babe." I gently squeeze them and he growls softly, "Shut up." I don't miss the smile on his lips as he takes off my shirt, blinding me for a moment.

I lay back on the bed and stretch my tired body, "That ride really wore me out." I yawn as I flip over on my stomach. James laughs behind me as he takes off his clothes too, "Yeah.. the 'ride' wore you out." I kick his leg as he laughs and I look back at him with a pout, "I wore you out too!" He nods his head with a cheek grin, "Hell yeah you did." He stretches and releases a loud fake yawn, "I could fall asleep right now, babygirl." I giggle as he flops on the bed next to me, making me bounce beside him. He chuckles beside me before rolling over on top of me, crushing me into the bed, "James!" I laugh as he begins to fake snore, "Get off! Your head weighs too much!" I whine as I try to crawl out from under him. He only snores louder as he applies more weight. "Daddy! Please!" I whine louder and he chuckles above me before rolling off (very slowly much to my demise). I gasp for air loudly as I flip on my belly, "Your too heavy.. I think I broke a rib!" I dramatically pout as I turn to him. He eyes me warily, "You tryna call me heavy or something?" He raises a brow as he grabs my waist and pulls me close, our bodies flush against each other. "Heavy? Never! Big headed? Yes!" He puts a hand over his heart as he gasps, "Your head is bigger than mine!" His big hand flicks my forehead and I can't help but laugh, "Your head is as big as a basketball!" I stick my tongue out and he does the same, "You got a watermelon head!" He shoots back and I gasp softly, "Take it back!" He narrows his eyes, "Never."

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