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Shuffling papers fill the air around us as I go through my grandfathers stuff, reordering and stacking alike books together. "When he takes me in his arms." I sing softly as I place a pixie book with the other flying creatures, "He whispers to me," I close my eyes slowly before leaning back in the chair,"Je vois la vie en rose" I clutch my grandfathers book to my chest tightly.

I sigh softly and look at James, his eyes glowing a soft pink, "Do you miss him?.." tears stung at my eyes as I let the book fall into my lap, "I-I do.." I grab my sleeves and wipe away my tears but it's useless as they keep falling. "He used to sing that song with me all the time.." I look up at James who's eyes glow a soft grey, "It's called 'La Vie en Rose'" I smile to myself as I think of my old man.

"My parents would drop me off here with him for a week during the summer. We would listen this song all day as we took hikes and read books together." I chuckled to myself as I swiped my cheek again, "I can't remember a time when this song wasn't playing in his office.." I look down at his book and slowly trace his name, "I loved listening to it every day though.. Never got old. Never will be old." I place his book on the desk and look to James who only stares blankly at me. His eyes swirl with gray fog but his face remains stoic.

"I bet he has it in here.." I mumble to myself as I get up and start looking around his desk. A loud screech makes me snap my head as James stands up abruptly, sending the chair screeching back. "Wait." His voice was rough as he pointed to the couch and I immediately obeyed, "Where are you going?" My hand reaches for his and he freezes, "Wait." He repeats himself before turning and walking around the corner and disappearing.

I softly hum to myself as I wait for him. It's only a minute later before he returns with a large record player tucked under his arm and a big box under the other. I quickly grab the heavy box from him and carry it to the desk, plopping it down sloppily on the papers I have yet to organize. "You found one!" I smile brightly as he sets down the record player. He only nods his head before motioning to the box. I open it up slowly and gasp softly, "His record collection.." I reach inside and pick up a bright red record, "La Vie en Rose." I read aloud and place it on the player then putting down the needle.

"Eyes that bring down mine 'Des yeux qui font baisser les miens', A laugh that gets lost on his mouth 'Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche," I translate as I sing and sway slowly on beat, James silently watching me, "This is the portrait without retouching 'Voilà le portrait sans retouches", From the man I belong to 'De l'homme auquel j'appartiens'," I slowly swing my body closer to his, grabbing his hand to raise above my head and twirl in a slow circle, his eyes glow pink as he watches me silently, "When he takes me in his arms 'Quand il me prend dans ses bras', He whispers to me 'Il me parle tout bas," I slowly lean into his chest and sway slowly, his body hesitantly following my own rhythm. "Je vois la vie en rose." I sing softly and look up at him, "I see life in pink." His eyes glow to match the lyrics as he watches my carefully.

The song ends but we sway to the silence. He leans his forehead down against mine and closes his eyes.
"Je vois la vie en rose." He sings softly, his deep voice smooth and silky as his arms wrapped around my waist, bringing my body closer to his own. His eyes open to stare into mine, "Rose."

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