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Music blasted loudly over the unending conversations as bustling people rushed to their desired destinations. "Geez! I didn't think it would be this crowded.." I huff softly as I lead James through the thick wall of people that block the entrance to the lobby. "I told you to let me kill a few. Nobody would miss a couple..." James looks over the crowd then back at me, "Hundred." I gasp as I slap his arm, "Don't even think about it!" I frown at him and he laughs, "You know I'm joking..a little." He smirks wolfishly as I roll my eyes and lead him towards the front desk. "Hi! How can I help you?" The nice employee gives me a smile as she looks up from the laptop. "Yes um we bought these tickets online and it says the flight leaves today but the directory didn't have our flight on it." I point to the lost of flights behind her and she furrows her brows. "Oh! Seems like you missed it!" I send James a dirty glare. The receptionists looks between us awkwardly before turning back to her computer, "Next flight for your location is..." she types quickly before looking back up at us, "This Saturday at 3 am." She smiles bright and I return it politely, "Thank you!" She nods her head and we walk away.

"Dangit.." I sigh softly as I lean against James, "Seems like the world is against us, James! Like c'mon!" I throw my hands up in defeat, "Another two days! We might as well invite the demon over for dinner!" James chuckles beside me as we walk out the building to the car. "Think of it this way-" He swings open the door for me before running to his side and climbing in next to me, "We can spend more time in the cabin and still make our flight." He motions to our old tickets, "And If that bastard does show up, I can fuck you over his body during the full moon." I gasp and slap his arm, "Your a nasty pervert!" He starts the car as he laughs beside me, "I know, love."

The grocery store was buzzing with people as we walked down the never ending rows of food. "Babe.. We gotta get this." James picks up a pack of ribs and holds it out to me, "It's on sale so it's in budget!" He points to the sale sign with hopeful eyes, "I said our budget is under a hundred and you grab a twenty five dollar pack of ribs." I roll my eyes as I push the cart past him, "C'mon love! Imagine this," James comes behind me and traps my body between his and the cart, his head lowers to my neck as he peppers kisses up to my ear, "Your delicious thighs and a pack of succulent ribs. All mine to grab, lick, and eat!" I gasp as James grips my thighs, "Don't be nasty in the store!" I smack his hands away before pushing the cart forward. James follows closely behind, the ribs still in his hand, "That's not a no." I could hear the smirk in his voice as I turned away to go down another aisle, "It's not a yes." I send him a glare but it does nothing as he's already tossing them in the cart. "Your annoying." I grab some canned goods off the shelf before dumping them into the cart, "Very annoying." He laughs as I frown at him, his amusement only increasing by my annoyance.

I roll my eyes once again and continue to the front of the store, our cart more than full at this point, "Your lucky to have me." I mumble and he smacks my butt, "I know, my love." He cheekily smiles as I send him a hearty glare. "You can bag all this stuff and bring it to the car while I go get Starbucks." I toss him my card before walking away, not waiting for his response. "Not fair!" James shouts towards me but I ignore him as I practically skip into the warm store. The scents of spice and fresh coffee fill my nose as my eyes practically roll back, "Thank the baby Jesus!" I whisper to myself as I get into the short line. I look back at James and giggle as he struggles to load the bagged groceries into the cart. His frown deepens as one of the bags breaks and the soda drops on the ground, luckily not breaking, "Dummy.." I mumble as he picks it up and puts it in the cart. His eyes meet mine and he flips me off before pushing the cart out the store. I bite my lip to hold back my laugh as I turn back around.

"Ow!" I frown as I hit a wall, "What the-?" I gasp as I see an angry man with hot coffee spilled all over his black shirt. "I'm so sorry!" I rush to the counter and grab napkins before returning to clean his shirt. The man's eyes burn into the top of my head as I work to dry him up as best as I can, "I didn't see you at all! I can pay for a new co-" A rough hand grabs my chin and yanks my head up to face him, "So much small than I expected.." He grumbles as his eyes scan my body. I gasp and slap his hand away, "E-Expected?...And no I am not.." I cross my arms and stare up at the weird man, "Why are you like a billion feet tall, huh?" I poke his chest, making him frown, "6'5? Not that tall. Your a munchkin." He smirks down at me as his finger flicks my head. I slap his hand away, "Y-Yeah well you got a big head!" I bite back and he smirks, "And you got a big ass.. since you wanna point those things out." His eyes flash pink before turning back to their deep green. I scoff and take a step back, "Pervert!" I don't wait for his response as I storm out Starbucks, straight to the car.

"James!" His head whips toward me as he slams the trunk closed. I run to him with spread arms which he more than readily opens his and scoops me up into his arms. "You missed me that much?" He teases but I shake my head, making him frown, "What's wrong?" His grip on my waist tightened as he gently cups my face. "A man in there was being mean and called my butt big!" I pout and watch his eyes turn to a deep red. "A-And he grabbed my face l-like this!" I grab James's chin like he did to me. "Get in the car. Lock it." James eyes faded to black as he put me down gently, "Head down." I don't hesitate to climb in and do as told, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his anger. "H-He's wearing black and has green eyes..." James freezes for a second, "Green?.. The demon."

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