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Flash light?
Water bottle?
Grandpa's book?

I smile as I swing my bag onto my back, "You ready?" I ask James as he lazily lays in the bed, using his claws to pick at his razor teeth. He slowly looks to me and shrugs lightly. "I'll take that as a yes!" I smile brightly and run towards the bed, "I look cute? I went for "sexy damsel who gets snatched by King Kong in the African mountains" but it didn't end up like that." I motion to my tight green tank top and khaki short shorts that I bought months ago but forgot.

He lazily looks me up and down as his eyes emit a pink glow. They meet my own before he just shrugs lazily again. I puff my cheeks and smack his chest before turning around to open the chest.

"Do you know whats down here?" I ask and he only shrugs once again before climbing out of bed to stand behind me. I slowly unlock it and lift up the top. Cold air instantly rushes out and fans my already shaking body. I look up at James who finally seems interested and is looking down into the abyss. "Wanna go first?" I give him a hopeful smile but he only rolls his eyes. "Fine.. butthead." I mumble the last part and he growls lowly before picking me up by my armpits and Dangling me over the abyss. "Stop it James!" I scream and try to latch onto his body but he holds me all the way out, "Don't you d-" he drops me suddenly and I scream as my butt connects to medal. I tumble and slide down the metal tube until my body lands on a soft surface.


I switch on my flashlight and point it beneath me. "Please don't be a body.." I grumble and  look down to see a giant red bean bag. I sigh softly in relief and hear a rubbing noise behind me. I gasp and quickly roll out the way as James smoothly lands in his feet.

He looks down at me and begins to laugh silently, his shoulders shaking as he points a clawed finger at me, "It's not funny! What if I died?" I cross my arms and he only shrugs. That stupid smile still on his face.

I sigh and grab my Grandpa's book out my bag.

If your reading this then your tush better be in the lab, Olivia.

I giggle softly and James comes over to ready over my shoulder.

On your left there is a light switch. Turn it on.

My fingers work quickly and I flip the switch.
"Oh.. My.. Gosh.." I look over the ginormous lab. The walls are decorated in glowing tubs that hold creatures. Many of which I've never seen or heard of before. The main space is full of plants that seem to still be healthy despite the whole time being locked away.

James walks down the aisle lazily and sits down on a chair in front of the main desk. Papers litter the ground around it and I examine them closely. Drawings upon drawings of creatures of myth cover the once white pages. I pick up a familiar one and gasp as I see James.

"You knew my grandfather?" I turn to him slowly and he nods his head, "Why didn't you tell me?" I grip the paper tighter and he sits up straight, "I didn't know if I could trust you." He speaks slowly as he stares into my eyes. I couldn't help the corner or my mouth tilting up, "You trust me?" My voice is soft as he watches me silently. He nods his head once and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "I-I trust you too." I blush lightly before turning my attention back to the book.

The bottom left drawer of my desk holds my life's work. Handle it carefully, Olivia. I mean it.

I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless as I grab his journal. It was easily five books thick with his name scribbled neatly across the dark brown leather cover.

Turn to page 237. It has the demon's information.

How did he know?..

I bet your wondering, "How did he know?" Well I found him in the forest and in exchange for safety and a place to stay, he is to be your guardian and protector until your last breath (which better not be soon if he's there).

I turn to James who lazily picks at his ear and sniffs it before flicking it away. "Your my guardian?" I stare at him surprised as he nods his head and gives me a sarcastic toothy grin. I roll my eyes and chuckle softly.

My fingers turn to page 237.

"The Demon." I read aloud and James' ears perk up as his head whips to face me.

"Day 1." I begin and take a seat in the couch next to James. He leans over to look at the images of himself in multiple positions.

"It seems as if I'm slowly loosing my mind. Perhaps this is what the demon truly wants. He sits silently in the dark corner of the lab observing me as if he was the scientist. His body is unmoving just like his stone eyes. I've introduced myself but got no reaction."

I look over at James who seems to be lost in thought.
I skip a couple of pages and stop, "Day 54." I look down at my lap as James lays his head in it, his face buried in my tummy.

"He has warmed up to me greatly. Today I caught him staring at the creatures I've captured for study with hunger in his eyes so I decided to feed him. He seems to enjoy chicken the most."

I laugh as James huffs into my shirt, "Your such a greedy baby." I gently pet his head and earn soft purring from him, "Day 281" I read aloud,

"The beast is very happy today. I've decided on this day it shall be his birthday. June 6th. He doesn't mind since I gave him three whole chickens.

Just like yesterday, he has allowed contact with me but only for a few minutes at a time. I have discovered his most sensitive place is under his shoulder blades. He seems to get drunk if you apply pressure. Will study again."

I look down at James who rests quietly. I open my mouth to speak but I'm cut off by a soft snore. I gasp softly and listen to him sleep soundly. My hand play with his soft hair and his purrs grow louder, enticing me to make him feel even better. A slowly begin to massage his scalp, my nails gently scratching the skin as my fingers rub slowly. His purrs increase to the point where my body vibrates against him.

I open the book again and look down to see it's the last page. The rest of the book sits empty in my lap.

"Guess this is where I start."

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