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I quickly shut the tv off and stared at the black screen. "H-Hey James?" I call and look over at the beast licking the plate clean, he stops to look at me, "Y-You will protect me... right?" I question and he stares at me for a second before going back to his plate licking. I pout and snatch the plate from him, causing him to loudly growl, "Good boys get chicken grease!" I narrow my eyes as he does the same and I walk into the kitchen with him following closely behind me.
His heavy breathing quickly annoying me as he towers over my body. I stand at the sink and grab the dish towel as James looks over my body, his eyes greedily watching the plate. A large glob of drool slowly drops down onto the plate and I huff loudly.

"James Alexander Deville!" I yell as I turn to him sharply, "Either you stop being greedy or I'm going to do something you won't like!" He gives me a bored expression before looking back at the plate, "I'll turn vegetarian and never buy meat again!" I threatened and he gave me a challenging look, "Try me." I stand my ground and he huffs loudly before flopping down on the floor.

I smile triumphantly and walk to the sink to wash the dishes. I peek over to see him sulking and I sigh softly before reaching in the freezer and passing him a chicken leg. He gladly excepts it and tears into it quickly as I finish up.

I turn to him and smile as his tail swishes slowly, "It's been a long day.. time for bed, hm?" I ask him and he only watches me silently. "I'll take that as a yes." I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless as I walk my tired self into my bedroom with James following closely behind. I giggled as he had to bend over to get in the doorway of my bedroom.

I grab my pajamas and head to the bathroom, "I'm gonna shower and be back out. You can sleep in any room you want." I smile at him before closing the door and getting myself ready for the night.
Steam flew out the bathroom as I shivered lightly at the cold air enveloping my body, "I seriously need to get my heating fixed..." I grumble as I felt around the room for the light switch, "Freaking James." I grumble as I smack the wall a few times before giving up and feeling my way to the bed.

I sigh softly as I climb into my warm bed. Loud shuffling fills the air next to me and I scream as large hands wrap around my torso, pulling me tight against a solid body. My hands push against the muscular chest as I try to escape but large arms keep me tight against him. "James?" I call out and he huffs as he places his face in my neck. I blush and curl up into his warmth, my body betraying my mind as I grew more tired from his cuddling. "Goodnight James." I mumble sleepily and he purrs softly.


My eyes drowsily opened as I squirmed uncomfortably, "James!" I whined as his over heated body laid on top of mine, he grumbled lazily as he nuzzled his face in my boobs. I huff and try to push him off but he doesn't budge as his arms tighten around my waist.

"James you gotta let me go! We need to find out about the chest!" I groan as his arms tighten and he growls into my chest, "Will baked chicken legs convince you?" His head snapped up to mine but his eyes remained narrow.
"Half a breast?"
His arms loosen slightly.
"Both the breasts?"
His hands move to my waist and I smile as I laugh,
"The whole freaking chicken?" I ask and he finally crawls off of me. I let out a sigh of relief as my body finally cools down, "Your too heavy James." I tease and poke his belly. My finger immediately touches hard, "What the?-" I begin to rub his belly and chest slowly, "James you have abs and crap?!" I rub his muscular chest as he purrs loudly, his eyes turning pink slowly as he watched me.

"Your eyes change color?!" I gasp as I grab his cheeks, "You are full of so many freaking mysteries." I lean in closer as I try to make it details in his face, my hand gently grabs his chin and he smirks at me, showing off his sharp teeth.

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