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The room was quiet as we watched the news. "A cabin was found on fire and burned down to absolute nothing. Nothing has been left in order to be identified and it's said its last owner died years ago." I sniffle quietly next to James as he cuddles me into his side. I can't help the little whimper I release as I bury my face into his shirt, "Want if off?" I nod my head and he clicks off the tv. His hands were gentle as he moved me into his lap, "What's with you? One second your soft and small then the next your trying to kill somebody." I bite my lip as I look up at him and shrug a little, "I dunno.." I squirm to get comfortable, my butt still sore from my punishment only twenty minutes ago.

"I-I just feel funny.." I shrug a little and look up at him. "So you try to take Claire's and the receptionist's life because you feel funny?" He questions incredulously as he eyes me warily. "I just don't want any females near you because you are mine. Only mine." My fist ball at my sides as I remember that stupid receptionist, "I-I'll beat any bi-" James cuts me off with a look and I quickly shut my mouth, my throbbing bum a constant reminder not to test his patience right now.

"Ever since we met Claire you have been really possessive and..needy.." He spoke to himself more than me as he scratched his beard slowly, deep in thought. I didn't even mind as I scratch his beard for him, earning a purr of approval and satisfying my need to touch him. "Your not on your period.. I don't smell blood.." I dull out his voice as my eyes lock into his relaxed body, his firm chest rising and falling slowly as I relax him. My hands slowly travel lower, running down his defined chest until stopping at the waistband of his pants, my fingers slowly trace it.

Our eyes connect for a second before his widen, "Your in heat!" He blurts out and chuckles, "It's so obvious!" I frown as I snap the waistband of his pants. "N-No I'm not!" He ignores me as he keeps laughing. "Stop! I'm not in heat!" I whine as I gently slap his arm. He sighs softly as he finally calms down, "Your showing all the signs, Princess." He holds up five fingers, "Wrath. Envy. Lust. Pride. Greed." He counts down as he lists them and I gasp softly. "How?! I'm not even a demon." I narrow my eyes and he only smirks, "I imprinted on you after I discovered we were mates." He responds as if it's a known fact, "All that time alone we spent together made us imprint on each other." I can only nod my head slowly as he spoke, "The female goes through a range of intense emotions to get her male to mate with her which includes chasing off other females and..seducing him." I gasp softly as his eyes glowed a deep pink.

I gulp gently and look down at my hands nervously, "S-So we gotta mate?" His fingers gently grip my chin as he moves my face to his, our eyes connecting, "I can only mate you on a full moon or our bond will be very weak." I nod my head slowly, absorbing the information. "Wait I gotta wrote this down!" I hop out of his lap quickly before running to our bags in the closet.

I quickly tore through both before finally pulling out the book and a pen. I quickly sat on my bum and wrote down everything he told me. "I'm surprised by your reaction.. you just accepted it.." James spoke slowly as he leaned back against the headboard of the bed. I look up at him, "Think about it. These last few months have been insane enough that I'm not really surprised.." I hesitate as I shrug a little, "I'm actually happy that I'm truly all yours." My cheeks heat up as I look back down to my book. The bed creaks behind me before big hands scoop me up, "You want to be my mate?" James face was slapped with surprise as I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him. "Of course I do, James" I can't help but laugh at his face, "I'm all yours and you are all mines." I kiss his nose and smile as he sits back down on the bed, "Mine." He presses our foreheads together as we sit in silence, enjoying each other's embrace.

"I lo-" Loud knocking interrupts me as we pull apart. "Hotel Management." We both look at each other confused before James sets me down gently. He walks silently to the door before opening it cautiously, "What?" I can't help my giggle at his rudeness. "We got a noise complaint and a guest in the hotel is worried about a woman..." The short stocky man warily looked past James' muscular figure to look at me, "But I see everything is fine here.. right ma'am?" He asks and I nod my head before James begins closing the door, "Don't come back." He shuts it in the man's face before rolling his eyes and making his way back to the bed, "Sometimes I just want to hang people from their toenails while peeling away their skin." He grumbles as he flops down on the bed next to me.

"Sometimes I forget your a demon." I giggle as he chuckles next to me. "How did you.. get here? On Earth?" I look over at him, our faces inches apart. He watched the ceiling quietly before finally sighing, "I was a high ranking demon in hell. Satans best soldier. I commanded armies and sent darkness wherever I went." I bite my lip to hold back my gasp. "One day I was sucked out off my throne into some dark ass cave. A cult of hundreds sacrificed their lives to bring me into this sacred world.. I was lost for centuries..." His face contorted in pain and grief, "I brought wars upon countries and took lives as if it were a game.. until I met a strange old man." I gasp softly as I turn my body fully to his, "He laid his eyes up me and unlike the many people I met, he held a strange curiosity... I suppose he feared the unknown more than he feared me." A soft chuckle left his lips, "I played the roll of innocent. Following him around just out of pure curiosity, really. He would study the most deadly creatures with a silly grin on his face and not a trace of fear. I thought he was a fool in the beginning, in all honesty. A simple little creature about to be killed by a beast of myth." He laughed loudly this time.

"The old bat didn't know fear. It amazed me! How could Such a puny mortal being tame hell beasts in the night then play with his granddaughter in the morning?" He turns to me, a grin all over his face, "You were adorable. Crazy wild hair and big round eyes. You were made to be this free crazy beast just like your grandfather. Groomed for it." I laugh with him this time, "I was a wild child. Climbing trees and running through the mountains. Practically an animal myself." I smile at the memories and turn to him, "How old are you?" I can't help reaching out to touch his soft skin, he closes his eyes as I trace his face, "Older than the dirt under your feet and the clouds above your halo." He spoke slowly as I traced. "Time is nothing to me and will be nothing to you." I pause, "I'll be immortal?" He nods his head slowly before tapping my hand, making me continue. I smirk, "Eternity with you? That's hell." He laughs, "Ever wonder what heaven is like?" He spoke slowly and I leaned closer, our noses inches apart, "You."

Authors note:

If ur reading this, I'm working on book two ;)

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