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"James! Your worrying too much!" I whine as James rubs his head all over my chest and neck as his hands rub my thighs and butt, "He only touched me a few times!" I pout as James growls loudly, "No. Mine." He grumbles angrily before sitting up and bringing me with him. He places me in his lap and grabs my face, his fingers gripping my cheeks as his palm holds my chin closed, "Only mine." His eyes turn a deep red as he lets go of my face and presses it into his chest.

I brace my hands against his chest and push against him with all my might, "James he's not even my type!" I whine loudly as James only growls, "Type? Me." He grumbles and I laugh, "Sure, James." I tease and he growls lowly. "He was too skinny and lean for me. It reminds me too much of my father especially with the shaved clean face." I shudder and James loosens his grip slightly. "Plus," I start and his ears perk up, "I need a man who can handle all this."  I laugh as I tease him and point to my thick hips and thighs. He licks his lips slowly as his eyes glow a stronger pink, "So..Beard?" He asks and grabs my hand to press against his cheek, "Perfect?" He asks and I scratch his chin gently, "Yes I want a big tall handsome man with a beard and a whole bunch of muscles." I laugh as James starts looking his body up and down, "Need beard." He grumbles and I roll my eyes, "Beggars can't be choosers, James." I shrug my shoulders as he scowls down at me.

"Chooser." He points to his chest and I raise a brow. "Chooser?" I laugh as I watch him feel around his face, "How you look is how you are born unless your a shapeshifter and th-" Im interrupted as his James writhes beneath me. "James?!" His skin bubbles beneath me before melting away to reveal pale skin. His ribs and bones push against his skin as he screams in pain, "James! Oh go-" His screams increase as his back arches at a painful angle. I shut my eyes tight as tears roll down my cheeks. My hands cover my ears to drown out his screams but it's not enough. I sob loudly as his violent movements force me to fall on the bed. "S-Stop!" I scream out as I curl up tightly.


Warm gentle hands grab my own and pull them away from my ears. I peek a blurry eye open and gasp softly. "James?" I ask softly as a man sits on the bed next to me. His raven hair messily falls over his dark blue eyes and strong cheek bones. I slowly reach out to touch his soft lips and gasp as he licks my finger tip. I snatch my hand back but lean in closer nonetheless. His jaw is strong just like the rest of his body. He was muscular in every sense of the word and I almost fainted when I saw his big hands. The veins poking against his skin almost made me melt into a puddle as he reached out to cup my face,
his palm under my chin as his fingers gently dig into my cheeks, "Want to stop drooling over me and talk, babygirl?" His voice was deep and rough as it sent shivers down my spine and straight to my core. "O-Okay." I barely recognized my own voice as it was so small and airy.

"James?" I ask again and he nods his head, "W-Why did you..?" I trail off as I motion to his whole body. He chuckles as he reaches out and grabs my by my hips to place in his lap, "So I can handle all of this." He teases as he grips my thighs. I bite my lip to hold in my moan as I hide my face behind my hair, "S-Stop playing James! I'm serious." I whine softly and his hand rubs smooth circles on my thighs as he moved us back so he can lean against the headboard. I had to look up at him, "Because I'm your boyfriend and that man needs to know that you are mine." He growled the last part as his grip tightened on my thighs. "W-Well I suppose that makes sense.." I whisper and look down at my hands, trying to avoid contact to keep what little sanity I have left.

"So your admitting that your mine?" I could hear the smirk in his voice as he leaned down to my face. I gulped and shrugged my shoulders, "I-I didn't say I was.. just that it made sense." I peek up at him and blush from how close he was, our noses barely touching. "And what will I have to do to convince you that you are mine?" He quirks an eyebrow and I quickly look away, my hands fidget with my night gown as I only shrugged. "Use your words." His voice was stern as he gripped my chin and make me look at him, "Use your words and say your mine." His grip on my thigh move to my waist as he pulled my body flush against his.

"A-And if I don't?" I knew I was playing with the devil by the smirk that spread across his sinful lips. "Ill make you give in." He purrs softly and he tilts my head up as he leans in closer, "I'm a demon, babygirl. I know what your little heart desires." His hand slowly slid down from my waist to cup my bum roughly, "I know you want Daddy to tease your pretty pink pussy as you beg to cum." My breathing was harsher as he leaned close, his lips barely touching my ear, "My baby wants Daddy's big cock buried in that sweet little cunt?" His teeth nip at my ear and I can't help but mewl as his hand massages my bum. His other hand moves around my neck, "Say it and you can have it all baby..." he leans back up and tightens his grip out my neck, his bright pink eyes looking into mine, "Say you're all mine."

"I-I'm yours.."

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