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Stars twinkled in the night sky as the moon replaced the sun above the dark clouds. Even through the stone walls the crickets could be heard and through the windows were the sparkling lights of fireflies zipping through the meadow could be seen.

"Risk it for a siren?! Fuck no!" James walks in the door, kicking his shoes off. His face red with anger as his fist balled at his side, "That fucking cunt is lucky I wanted this house or I would have killed him right there! I should have!" I can't contain my little giggle as James continues to rant to himself as he got undressed down to his under wear. I continued to watch him as he disappeared into the bathroom. The sound of rambling and running water the only thing I hear.

I lay my head back against the silk pillow case and close my eyes, letting my tired body finally relax into the cozy mattress and thick duvet. I watch the window tiredly and watch as the lightning bugs fly wildly outside. "So pretty.." I mumble softly and watch as one flies closer. It's glow growing bigger and stronger as it increases speed. "What the?!-" It slams against the window, forcing it open. I gasp and run to the window, closing it tight as I notice more start flying closer to the house. I lock it before turning towards the faint glowing creature.

"A fairy?" I whisper softly as I get on my knees in front of it. It lays unconscious on the old carpet, it's body glowing a faint white. I pick it up gently and gasp as it begins to glow pink, "Hello?" I whisper softly and cradle her in my hands. Her soft hair wisps around her face before falling back down. Her eyes slowly blink open and she lets out a little squeal, backing up until her back is pressed against my fingers. "H-Hello." I say again, softer this time. Her little chest heaves as she looks around frantically, "Hide. Hide. Hide." Her soft voice chants repeatedly as she glows a bright pink. "I won't hurt you little, fairy.. I promise." She freezes as I say promise and looks up at me, "Promise?...Promise." She confirms as her big eyes look up at me. I nod my head with a smile and watch the corners of her lips lift up. "Why are you running?" I gently bring her closer to my face and watch as her own fills with terror, "Man beast! Man beast! Snatch your soul! Whom glows so bright turns to coal!" She chants hurriedly as she looks around wildly. She crawls closer until her little hands rest on my cheek. My skin tingles underneath me as bubbly giggles leave my lips, "Who is the man b-" The bathroom door creaks open and the fairy screams before hiding in my hair. I look at James who only stares down at me with a confused face, "Why are you on the floor?" Heat rushes to my cheeks and I quickly get up off the old carpet, brushing my knees off and my night shirts. "Secret. Secret. Secret." The fairy whispers in my ear and I sigh softly, "Exploring the room. I thought the carpet was cool so I was tracing the pattern." I smoothly lie through my teeth and give him a smile. He chuckles and walks over the the king sized bed before flopping down on it, "Your a little weirdo." I giggle and get up, walking towards the bathroom, "I'm your weirdo. Correction." I smile and his chest puffs proudly, "Damn right." I roll my eyes and close the door behind me.

The fairy zooms out from under my hair and lands on the sink. I can't help my giggles as she looks at herself curiously, "Me! Me! Me! I see me!" Her voice sings softly as she leans closer, her tiny hands touching the glass. I notice her glowing white again and I furrow my brows, "Why did you change colors?" I stand behind her and she looks up at me through the glass,

"Soft hands and rosy cheeks,
A glow to match a widows peak
Brown eyes and curls the same,
Pink is the love burning like flame."

Her voice sings softly as she fully turns to me, her big eyes glowing pink as she flies up and touch my nose. Her whole body begins to glow pink as she giggles softly. "It's my emotion?" I raise an eyebrow and she nods her head. I smile and gently raise my hand to my face, letting her rest on it. "Fairy so pure and ball of light, A twisted demon will bring them fright."  She sings as she looks towards the door. "Your scared of James?" I ask and she nods her head quickly, "Bad! Bad! Bad!" She hisses and I gasp softly. "James is my mate and a very good demon. He protects me!" Her face remains twisted with fear as she shakes her head, "Bad! Bad! Bad!" She chants again and I frown, "He's good. I promise." I raise my pink behind her and she looks back at it before looking at me, "Promise." She nods her head before wiggling my pinky, her whole hand not even covering the tip.

I smile and walk out the bathroom, holding my hands behind my back, hiding her. "James." He looks up at me from the blankets, his eyes droopy and tired. "You getting in bed or what?" He peels back the blanket and I smile, "I gotta show you something, somebody, very important." His brows furrow and a deep frown settles on his face, "There better not be anyone besides me in this house, Olivia." His voice hardens and I giggle nonetheless at his angry face. "She's very shy so don't be mean." I slowly walk forward and bring my hands in front of me, but they stay gently clasped, hiding the little woman in my hands. "The hell is in your hands?" His voice drops to a whisper as he warily looks at my hands.

"This is my new friend.." I slowly open my hands and the fairy looks at James, fear all over her little face as she squeals and hugs my thumb. My heart melts as I bring her closer to me, "She's very shy so be nice." I scold gently and James only stares, his face void of emotions, "So you bring this winged rat in my room because?.." He raises an eyebrow and I gently place her on my head before smacking him, making her giggle. "She is a very lovely fairy and she has been so sweet!" I scold him and poke his chest, "She is my new friend and you are gonna be nice or no more ribs and you know what." I give him a pointed look and watch him run a tired hand down his face, grumbling to himself tiredly. "Fine." He finally grumbles and I smile.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" I look up at the fair as she swings her little feet. She flutters down to land on my shoulder, "Petal!" She sings softly and I giggle. "A fairy named petal? Unique." James eyes it warily as the fairy does the same to him. She hisses and he does it back, making her scream. "I promised you would be nice so don't make me break it!" I frown and James looks at me with big eyes, "Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you realize what you did?!" He sits up straight and looks at the fairy who stares back at him. "Do you know what a fairy promise is?!" He grabs my arms and I frown, "I owe her a flower or something?" I frown and he growls angrily, "She takes part of your soul.." I gasp softly and look at the little fairy, she smiles, this time showing her sharp wicked teeth. I frown and she shrugs and gives me innocent eyes, "Promise. Promise. Promise." She sings softly and I look at James who angrily wipes at his face, "Luckily that's only if you don't complete her task.. Which is?" James turns to her and she looks at him, this time excitedly.

"Cloaked men blend with rooted shadows,
Greedy hands grasping light tightly,
We fly free where it's high and sunny,
But fall into clutches daily and nightly."

Her face becomes sad as she clutches her heart, sparkly tears fall down her pink cheeks.

"Sun spots and soft breezes where our skin touched,
No longer lingering where tingles turned to tears.
Dead leaves and fallen branches are so unjust,
Grass molded to bodies fade through the years."

Her hands cup her face as she begins to sob on my shoulder, her tears running down her cheeks into my curls, making them begin to float. I look to James who frowns deeply and rubs his chin deeply, "We need to figure this out. Now."

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