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"Why the hell did we get third class?" James growls as he tries to adjust in his seat again, failing miserably as his kneecaps dig into the seat in front of him. "Because you wanted to save money to buy more ribs." I giggle as he huffs loudly, "Ain't worth it. Especially with a BADASS child kicking the back of my seat." He looks back at the child who only flips him off and goes back to kicking his seat. "Ma'am please get your rabid animal in control." James turns to the kids mom who gasps and turns red, "My son is very well behaved! He just has too much energy since you wanted to throw sour patch kids at him earlier!" She hisses and opens her magazine back up again, "idiot." She grumbles as James flip her off and sits back down.

"We only have an hour left, love. It's going to be fine." I rest my hand on his shoulder and watch him relax slightly, "Your right, baby. Only an h-" He seat bolts foreword before falling back. I gasp as James already out his seat and hands around the boy's throat, "You little fucking sh-" The mother screams as she yanks her child away from James. "You demon! You dare choke a child!" She yells loudly, earning the attention of other passengers. I stand out my seat quickly and grab James' arm, "Babe please just sit down! It's making a scene!" I motion towards all the heads and he looks around us before sighing and sliding in his seat. "Tell that over fed rat to go the fuck to sleep, bitch." He growls at the woman and she quickly clicks the help button for a flight attendant.

"Yes ma'am how can I help you?" She smiles politely but I can see the panic in her eyes as she eyes James' murderous face. "Fucking help me! Kid keeps kicking my seat and that bi-" "Woman! Won't tell her kid to stop but I think we can all just sit quietly and nicely to get through the last forty five minutes. Yes?" I look between all of them angrily and they nod their heads as they slide back down in their seats. The flight attendant gives me a grateful look as she quickly walks away from the situation. "Thank you." I sit next to James and he grumbles as he lays his head on my shoulder, "Hell is better than this fucking flight."


"We are never riding a plane again." James leans back on the bench outside the airport. His pale face drained as he tiredly rubs his eyes, "And our kids won't be like that." He narrows his eyes as he watches he's the little boy get in the cab with his mother. I gasp as he flips James off and James does the same, "You little fucking rat!" James yells after the car as it takes off and I slap his chest. "You don't want bad kids but with your DNA there is no promises." I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh softly. He chuckles and plays with my hair slowly, "I'm not sure, love. They have half your DNA so we might get lucky." I giggle and look up at him, "Do you think it's gonna be a boy or a girl?" I look down at my still flat stomach. "Boy. It's a demon thing." He presses a hand to my tummy. "Nope but you said it has my DNA so it's gonna be a girl. I call it." I smirk as he rolls his eyes. "Yeah okay." He gives me a side eye but smiles nonetheless.

"Mr and Mrs. Deville?" A man in a thick coat walks up to us with a sign. I nod my head and smile, "Hi. Yes that's us." I shake his hand, "Mr. O'conner?" He nods his head with a smile, "In the flesh. Now let's get going before it gets dark." James nods before grabbing our bags and following him to load up the car. "I'm happy you have accepted the offer for my home. It's far away from anyone and anything so people usually don't want it." He turns to me as James fills the car with our bags. "I just want quiet is all. I've lived in the city and need some change." I smile warmly and he returns it before opening the door for me. I slide in slowly and sigh as my sore back meets the comfy seat. James slides in next to me and lays a kiss on my head, "Ready?" I nod my head slowly and the car takes off.

Grey skies and stone buildings faded into green fields and thick forests as we drive along the country side. Soon buildings became scarce until it was only rolling hills blurring into a never ending sea of green. Rain began to pelt the car as we pulled into the rocky driveway of the huge old manor. An old white fountain splits the path into a circle in front of the grand stairs to lead to the house's grand front doors. Three floors of windows held up by strong stone brick walls and white pillars. Ivy twisted and climbed into way up the walls and around the windows in intricate little swirls.

"Wow.." I whisper softly and swing the door open,
climbing out the car. James walks up to the door with the owner and I quickly join them, "- I believe that's all my uncle ever wanted for this place. Just to be a home." O'Conner slowly swings the door open and leads us inside.

The entrance opens up to a lavish hall leading to two grand staircases running up the walls to the second floor. Giant windows that reach the ceiling cover the room with a light glow as the fireplace rests between the stairs, though unlit still stood proud and bold against the old wooden architecture.

"Fifteen bedrooms. Ten baths. Two living rooms. A shit ton of land." O'Conner spreads his arms wide and sighs with a smile on his face, "It's all a man could wish for and it's all yours. For free." I almost get whiplash as I look at him, "Free?!" I put a hand over my heart and look at James who just raises his eyebrows slightly, the rest of his face void odd emotion. O'Conner just laughs, "My great great great uncle was an eccentric man. He believed in the unexplainable.. like fairies and monsters.. demons even.." I look at James who keeps a straight face as we continue to walk. "It wasn't until my twelfth year of life that I realized that the man wasn't as crazy as he seemed.. "O'Connor burst out laughing as we walked into an office. Two floors of books lined the walls as an old strong wooden desk sat back by the window. "I don't blame him.. I too believe brown haired sirens," He looks me up and down slowly before chuckling to himself, "lure men to their deaths." He glances at James's furious face before making his way behind the desk. "I too would have jumped off that ship and risked it all.. Even to touch her once.." The look he gives me sends a shiver down my spine and I step closer to James who's hands fist at his sides.

O'Conner claps his hands loudly, "Now let's sign these papers shall we?"

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