Chapter One: Love Me, Touch Me, & Fill Me

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The following reading material is mature. You MUST be 18 years and above to read such content. If you are not, you have been warned.

Today was going to be a beautiful day for a young and beautiful, soon to be bride.

Today will be filled with pure love, happiness and peace.

Sofia looked at the luxury of the garden from her window. Her room was on the third floor of her parent's magnificent mansion. A mansion quite noticeable in the entire Verona. A mansion filled with the town's wealthiest and famous, yet respectable family: the Montague.

The weather was perfect and the temperature was fair. The birds could be heard singing on the tree branches of the beautiful tree filled with pink blooming flowers. The view from her room window was truly breathtaking. Sofia could not believe it. She is finally going to get married, not because of her duty as the future lady of the house, but because of her stubbornness and love for wanting to be with the one man her father forbid her to be with.

A smile forms on her pink lips as she reminisces on all the times she spent with the love of her life before their wedding day. She remembers how they first met when she prayed on her knees in the church of Verona. It was love at first sight when she saw the most handsome man that had ever walked in planet Earth as the heels on his shoes clicked and clacked on the marble floors of the cathedral. Sofia couldn't help but turn her head back at the beautiful distraction behind her. When their eyes met, butterflies danced in her stomach. Her cheeks blushed an adorable shade of pink causing her to turn away due to her embarrassment. Sofia took several deep breaths as she continues to pray in front of the giant wooden cross that holds the statue of Jesus. She prayed to the Lord to help the crazy emotions that's running through her mind. She prayed for control over the desire her body was feeling towards the stranger who was sitting right behind her.

Despite all the prayers she said silently in her mind, she couldn't help but feel a very heated stare right behind her head. Her heart pounded quite rapidly causing it difficult to breathe. Her tiny body shivers in delight, and her core heated with want. Goodness gracious, may God forgive her for having such naughty thoughts in His home.

Sofia couldn't take the handsome man's stare anymore. She finishes her prayer with the sign of the cross, but as she stood up, it felt like her legs were made of jelly. She almost fell back to her knees, but was caught on time by the handsome devil. "Are you alright?" Says the stranger.

All Sofia could do was nod her head, thanked him, and left.

Since then, the two had numerous encounters and eventually, they both fell in love.

Now, today is the day where the both of them will say their wedding vows. She couldn't wait to finally become Sofia Capulet, loving wife of Matteo Capulet.

She continued to admire her beauty in the mirror. Her make up was light and still shows her natural features. The ray of the sun illuminates the dominating feature of the proud Montagues' emerald eyes. Her light skin glows radiantly, matching her white wedding dress that hugged her body perfectly. Her brunette hair was tied in a bun with decorative flower pins on the side. She indeed felt like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

A soft knock was heard and she looked behind her. Coming in her room was no one other than her husband to be. Shocked, she tried to hide behind the couch. "Matteo! What are you doing here? It is bad luck for a man to see his bride to be before the wedding!"

Matteo was indeed handsome. His curly dark, blonde hair that slightly fell on his shoulders, his strong jaw, icey blue eyes, and perfectly built physique was enough for the entire women of Verona to take off their panties and land directly into his cock. But sadly, these women will have to retire from their flirty ways now that the most eligible, young bachelor is finally settling down.

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