Chapter Nine: To Lure the Innocent

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After the church service, Jose and Romeo drove back to the mansion where King Escalus awaited for their arrival. The king had the servants prepare them brunch until he saw the very familiar voluptious maid. Ever since the first night that they had together, Escalus has never laid with any other woman. It was only her and he doesn't understand why.

As for Milliana, despite her feelings for the king, she was content with what she had with him. In fact, she felt flattered realizing that she is the only one he's laid with. Does it mean I have a chance? She thought, but quickly brushed her thoughts aside. No. Because I am nothing more than a maid. It hurt her to the core knowing that she is not just a maid, but also nothing more than a sexual object for the King to satisfy his nightly needs. She held her chest as if she were preventing her heart from breaking apart. Tears fell from her eyes and she covered her mouth with the other hand to prevent the cries from escaping.

No. I need to stop these feelings. She told herself. But how can you possibly stop loving someone you've loved since you were just a child? How could you love the one person who saved you when he saw you in the brink of death?

King Escalus, I don't know if I can continue these feelings any longer. She continues to cry inside the closet where all the food were well kept and organized. She hated how all the nights where it felt like they made mad, passionate love only for her to realize that they were nothing but to satisfy him in bed the next morning.

King Escalus approaches the crying woman and places his hand on her shoulder. Everytime he touches her, his body would suddenly feel warm, and filled with want and desire. He noticed that Milliana hasn't been herself for the passed few days and it aches his heart seeing her this way. He wanted to make her feel better.

She felt a warm, strong hand on her shoulder and she definitely knew who it was because of all the butterflies she began to feel in her stomach. She wanted to turn her head and look at the pair of eyes that melted her core, but she refused to. She needed to stay away from him because every day and every night, she would constantly remind herself that in those pair of captivating eyes, she is nothing more than a maid.

"Is something the matter, Milliana?" Escalus says with concern in his voice.

"No. It's nothing, my King." She responds. King. He wanted her to say his name. Come to think of it, he has never heard her say his name even in bed.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. You are crying in the corner, my love." Love. This man knew how to squeeze her heart.

More tears began to form from her eyes. She struggles to fight them back. She had to do something and quick, before she loses her mind. "Please, don't call me that." She stuttered.

"Call you what?"

"That... that word! Love. You say it so... so casually. Like that word doesn't mean anything to a person." Milliana gasps as soon as she realize that she disrespected the King. She felt terrified and wonder what he will do to her.

"I- I apologize your highness. I mean no disrespect." She bows and tries to leave with her head hanging low, but Escalus didn't move. He stared at her. He was dumbfounded at how bold this little maid was. He knew that the little caramel women was feisty in bed, but knowing that this little kitten had a voice of her own turned him on even more.

He placed his finger on her chin and made her look at him. Her eyes still shining with tears. He didn't think and suddenly kissed her eyes. "Why are you crying, Milliana?" Everytime she heard him say her name, it soothes her.

"My King." She bit her lower lip. "I believe that it is best for us to stop whatever it is that is going on between us."

"What do you mean?"

"One day, you will settle down and find yourself a queen to rule by your side, and how can you find one if I am the one that lays on the bed of our future queen?" She explains, but this time with more confidence.

"Oh, my love. Me finding a queen seems to be quite impossible. There was only one woman that I wished to rule by my side, but she is no longer with us." He says with sadness laced in his voice. His heart shattered with the mere thought of the woman he wanted as his queen.

Curiosity got the best of Milliana and she decided to ask away. "If you don't mind me asking, but who is it that you speak of?"

Escalus smiles at her. "Sofia. Her name was Sofia Montague."

"We're home, father!" Romeo shouts causing them pulled each other apart. Milliana gently pushes Escalus to the side and quickly runs to her duties around the mansion.

Escalus approaches them to greet them without removing his eyes from the woman who just left his side.

"Welcome back, Dante. How was... church?" He smirked at his son.

"It went quite well if you'd ask me. But of course, they were there." He mentions bitterly.

Escalus chuckles at the poor lad. Of course he resents the Capulets but not as much as his son.

"Jose, I would like to have a moment with Dante in private." Escalus demanded. Jose nodded in respect and leaves the two in the room and closes the door behind him.

"So they have a daughter. Her name is Juliet Capulet. Quite a looker, I might say so myself." He grins.

"And, so?" Escalus lifts a brow, confused at why this child had mentioned her. He has heard of Juliet Capulet, but she was just a baby when the tragedy happened.

"We both know that the Capulet is rapidly losing their wealth. Their business is not going too well. They are in the brink of desperation of retrieving that wealth. I noticed how Lady Capulet was staring back and forth at me and her daughter."

As if Escalus knew what he was thinking, he grins in satisfaction. "I see. That seems to be a perfect plan to enter into enemy territory."

"Yep." Romeo pops. "It looks like history will be repeating itself once we lure the poor, innocent Juliet."

Romeo had the perfect idea in his head. He will definitely make the Capulets have a taste of their own medicine.

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