❤ Chapter Twenty Six: Valentine's Day Special Part 1 ❤

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"I missed you." Romeo whispers in her ear as he brings their bodies closer together. Her breast touched his chest. Her beautiful violet eyes staring at his emerald ones.

He kisses her lips once more. He begs for entry into her mouth and Juliet gladly obliged. He enters his tongue in her mouth, touching and dancing with hers. She gently tugs on his soft brown hair, pulling his body closer and closer to hers until there is no space between them.

Romeo gently pushes her against the door, not breaking their kiss. His hand slides down to her ass and gives it a gentle squeeze bringing it closer to his groin. He lifts up her leg to wrap around his waist.

Juliet deepens their kiss and bites the prince's lower lip, tugging it. She proceeds to lick his earlobe then down to his neck while grinding on his groan. She lowers her hand, inserting it inside his pants. Juliet was quite amused and very turned on at the same time from feeling the hard length of his shaft. Her pussy throbbed in excitement knowing that his hard cock will finally fuck her. Finally. Yes, she's waited for so long to feel his hard length inside her core.

The Prince gives her a smirk as he notices her admiring his hard on. "You like it?"

Juliet blushes and bites her lower lip. He growls and kisses her. He takes her silky nightgown off, and Juliet does the same to him with his v-neck top. She couldn't help but admire his fit figure. Her fingers tracing the lines of his form.

While she was so caught up admiring the spectacular view in front of her, he unhooks her bra causing it to fall on the floor. She wakes up from her trance and tries to cover her breasts.

"No." The prince tells her as he pulls her arms above her head, making his other hand roam from her collarbone down to the tip of her breast. He loved her perky breasts and noticed the goosebumps that started to rise on her skin making her chocolate mounds harden. "You're so beautiful." He whispers as he captures one breast with his mouth.

Juliet gasps as she feels his wet tongue teasing and flicking around her areola to her sensitive virgin nipple.

Romeo's hand explores her glorious goddess of a body. His hand goes down below her belly. He inserts his hand inside her panties. His hand demands to spread her legs and she cooperates.

As soon as she slightly spread her legs apart, the prince did not hesitate at all in massaging around her sensitive lady part. He was aroused at how wet the little virgin was and he inserts his two fingers in her, while using his thumb to massage her little clit in soft circular motion.

Juliet was about to moan, but the prince covers her mouth. "Shhh. You wouldn't want them to hear you now, do you?" He winks at her making her want to faint. Not from how handsome he looked when he winks at her, but from how his hands drove her crazy and breathless. She imagined how she would suppress her moans once he fucks her with his cock.

Romeo pulls his fingers in and out, feeling every wet part of her inner walls. Juliet bites her lip to prevent herself from moaning. She wanted to scream his name and beg him to fuck her, but she couldn't. His hands were amazing and she was getting ready to cum and release her ecstasy. She grinds along with his fingers as it goes in and out, while his thumb played with her clit.

"You're really enjoying this, are you?" Romeo teases.

"Fuck yes!" Juliet shouts in whisper as she finally releases the unfamiliar feeling she long awaited for. The prince felt her shudder and he smiles in satisfaction.

He carries her weakened orgasmed state and starts kissing her deeply. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he walks towards her dresser mirror that was right next to her bed. He gently placed her on the top of the dresser, still kissing her passionately. He bit her lower lip, giving it a gentle tug. He stares at her in awe as the moonlight shuns brightly on her beautiful features from her hair to her captivating eyes. "You really are beautiful." He compliments her more.

Juliet blushes at his compliment. She wanted to say something, but couldn't because suddenly the prince pulls out her underwear completely exposing her naked body. He spreads Juliet's legs and admires the pink, moist flesh. He pulls her hips closer to have a taste of it.

"Mmmm." Juliet still tries to control her pleasurable cries. She places her thumb in between her top and bottom teeth, giving it a little bite while playing with her Prince's soft hair, bringing his face closer to her throbbing core. He was an expert in using his tongue. He spreads her folds and inserts his tongue inside, sucking her juices. He brings his face closer and starts sucking her clit. Her entire body tingles with so much pleasure radiating throughout her body.

Another feeling of ecstasy made it's release and she begged to scream her pleasure. She could care less of the people in the house just as long as she can express her erotic cries; as long as she can express them to her prince by calling out his name.

"For a virgin, you sure do cum a lot." Romeo teases the poor woman. He wipes his mouth and Juliet notices the little cum that laid on the side of his lips.

"Shut up." She mutters and blushes in embarrassment.

"Well, that is no way to talk to your prince now, is it?" He playfully warns as he grabs her from the dresser and gently lays her back on the bed. He gives her more sweet kisses from her lips down to her chest. He starts to play with her breasts. One hand massaging one side, while the other is being sucked and nibbled. His pants rub around her naked pussy while her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. She plays along with him as she rubs her clit with her fingers. She pinches it and inserts her fingers in and out, while enjoying every moment of it.

As they continued with their little foreplay, she couldn't help but continue to cum over and over.

The poor woman beneath the prince couldn't take it anymore. "Please, Dante. I want you in me." Juliet begs with her beautiful emerald eyes glimmering from the moonlight. Oh how Romeo loved her eyes.

He climbs on top of her and kisses her forehead. He inhaled her honey and milk scent. "Are you sure you want this?" He growls in her ear.

"Yes, please. Prince Dante. I want you!" She begs. If only she could scream his real name, Romeo thought.

He adjusts himself on top of her, unbuckling his pants and removing his boxers revealing his wonderful cock. It made Juliet throb for his glorious piece of manhood to pound her all night. Oh, what a dirty little virgin she was, she thought. She couldn't wait for him. She wiggles her hips, showing her impatience. Romeo couldn't help but chuckle at the impatient little goddess.

As he scatters the remaining pieces of clothing to the floor, he rubs his cock around her pussy using it as a natural lube. With the other hand, he rubs her clit causing her to get even more wet down there. He slowly inserts his cock inside her core.

Juliet felt a small sharp pain and winces. "Are you okay?" Romeo asks her. Juliet nods. "Just relax your muscles. If you tense, it won't feel comfortable." He smiles and caresses her cheeks reassuring her that the pain will go away.

Juliet does as she was told and once she relaxes her muscles, the prince gently pushes his cock all the away inside of her. He started off slowly, going in and out of her. While moving himself, he kisses her lips and goes down to her breasts, sucking and nibbling them all at the same time. Because of how he was so gentle with her for her first time, the pain that Juliet once felt was replaced by immense pleasure scorching throughout her entire body. Her toes curled and her hand held on tightly at the bedsheets.

Romeo knew that his little goddess was enjoying it and decided to move a little faster.

Suddenly, she felt another need to release. "Dante, I'm cumming!" Her body tenses and her pussy tightens around his cock. The felt of her tightening turns him on even more and he pounds himself harder inside her. If only she could scream, she thought.

After nearly an hour and many cums later, Romeo finally met his release. He pulls out of her, spreading his seed all over her body.


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