Chapter Twenty Two: Will This be the Day?

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Lunch went by smoothly. Juliet made sure that she wouldn't ask any questions that would affect Prince Dante's mood. She knew she saw malice in his eyes. It was something she's never seen before and it terrified her. Did I made the wrong decision to be with him alone? She thought.

The Prince took her to a stroll around the park that stood right behind the tower. It was beautiful and breathtaking. Different types of flowers bloomed all around and the greenery was everywhere. Taking Juliet to the park made her forget about the negative thoughts that ran through her mind.

As they continued to walk, they stood in front of the entrance of a maze. "This place is beautiful." She complimented.

The Prince smiles at her. He places his hand on her cheek. "Like you?" His compliment in return brought a blush to her cheek. She couldn't help but smile.

The Prince brings her face closer and kisses her passionately. He pulls away. "I've never brought any woman here before." He grabs her hand and takes her inside the maze.

They made several turns until the reach a dead end.

Juliet chuckles. "Did you suddenly forget where the center of the maze was?"

The Prince chuckles back. "I just thought I'd take you here so that we can have a little privacy."

They both smiled and kiss each other. He pulls her body closer to touch and gently pushes her to the leafy green wall. Her back is now against the wall as she continues to kiss her Prince. Her core started to moisten. She suddenly remembers all the times they had been together, how much her womanhood wanted him so bad. Will this be the day?

The Prince slides his hand down to her thighs, lifting it up to lock around his waist. He pushes his body closer to hers, feeling the bulge underneath his pants.

Their kiss not separating from each other as he grinds on her womanhood making her go crazy.

Juliet grinds along with him. She moves her waist forward and back. Her hands sliding up inside his shirt feeling the perfection of his mascular body. Mine. She tells herself.

"You're mine." The Prince whispers in her ear.

Juliet looks at his emerald eyes and smiles. Her heart fluttering. She knew that she was falling for this man. She disregards the hateful look that was in his eyes hours before. Maybe one day, Prince Dante will open up to her. Maybe one day, she will find a way to make him happy... always.

"Please, I want you." She begs.

The Prince grins at her. "Not now, my love. We will have our chance, but right now isn't the right time."

"At least make me cum, please." Juliet begs some more.

Romeo was surprised to hear such naughty words from such a beautiful mouth. He bit his lower lip causing her to get turned on even more. "At least you said please." He smirks.

He bends to his knees. His hands sliding up to her dress, pulling down her panties. It slides to her ankles.

The Prince gives her soft kisses on her upper thighs. She gasps for air as if it escaped from her lungs. He rubs his thumb in circular motion around her clit causing her to moan loudly. "You're quite loud. Are you not worried that someone will hear you?" He asks.

Juliet responds. "Fuck everyone!"

The Prince raises a brow while continuing to use his magic fingers in all her sensitive areas. His fingers massaging her wet lips making it moist enough for him to insert one finger in and out. Juliet shudders in response. She loved how his hands did wonderous things in her inner core. She bit her lips suppressing the moan that needed to escape once more. It drove her crazy. He drove her crazy.

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