Chapter Eleven: Juliet Capulet

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Juliet Capulet's POV

Only a day has passed since she first laid eyes on him. It felt like her entire world had stopped and it was only the two of them in the chapel. He was a handsome young man. His emerald green eyes melted her and she knew that those very same eyes were undressing her as well, and she didn't mind at all.

Just like the thoughts of the women gossiping in church, she wondered what he tasted like beneath the suit he wore. She was in the bathtub pondering how his body would feel like as she wraps her legs around his waist; how rough Prince Dante would take her because she would definitely like the feeling of it rough. Will she take her in this very tub where she lies? Maybe by the window with the curtains wide open and their naked bodies exposed for the entire Verona to see? Or maybe inside the elevator where their family business is at? The dirty thoughts of how she wanted him so bad played like a broken record over and over again. She was confused whether it was the relaxing water she was in that was making her wet, or was it her core?

If only she could have a little taste of the Prince, but what kind of Prince would want to ruin the beautiful image of the innocent Juliet Capulet without marrying her first? Innocent? She laughs at herself. What about Juliet Capulet was innocent besides her virginity?

Every night since she was 16, she would constantly sneak out of their home to party with the norms. She would rather party all night long than to be raised as a proper lady with a very heavy responsibility as a stupid Capulet.

All her life it revolved around high class social gatherings, many wealthy suitors which she would constantly turns down, and strict lessons on how to become a proper lady. But no, at night, she is the beautiful Maria De Luca, an orphan girl who works as a bartender at the Chambre where she is known for her bartending skills and amazing, yet very sexy dance moves. Which is quite ironic because despite the dirty dances and the current naughty little mind she had of the Prince, she was indeed a virgin. She wanted to save herself for someone special. I wonder if the Prince is that special someone. She thought to herself.

"When will I see you again, my Prince?" She says while slowly diving herself into the bubbly waters of her own ceramic bathtub. As she nearly submerged herself, a knock was made on her bathroom door.

"Who is it?" She calls out.

"It's me, my lady." She sighs in relief knowing that it was her personal maid, Nancy, the woman who took care of her since she was just a baby.

"Come in." Nancy steps in. Her old features were quite noticeable for a woman her age. The grey streaks of her that she neatly ties in a bun, her light blue eyes that has shown love and warmth, and the wrinkles that started to show on her face. Despite her old age, she was still the very lovely and beautiful woman that Juliet grew to love. She loved her more than she loved her own mother.

While her mother was too busy trying to look young again with all the nonsense surgeries that changes her body, Nancy took care of Juliet like how a real mother should.

"You're going out tonight again, are you?" Nancy says with her hands crossed against her chest.

Juliet gives her the most innocent smile she could ever hope to give. "What ever do you mean, mama Nancy?"

As much as Nancy loved it when Juliet would call her mama, she wouldn't want to infuriate Lady Capulet like last time. "Don't play dumb with me, my dear. You know you can't hide things from me."

Juliet playfully laughs at her while Nancy irritatingly sighs. "I'm just kidding, Nans."

The maid's hands were now on her hips. "Juliet, you know you can't keep doing this. If your family finds out, I am worried of what they will do to you. Oh my dear loving God," she does the sign of the cross. "Especially your brother, Matteo."

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