Chapter Sixteen: Courtship

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"Romeo." She whispers, but it was loud enough for Prince Dante to hear. His body shook to the core. His eyes wide open as he realizes what the old woman had just said. He quickly hid the shock in his face just in time before Nancy noticed.

"I'm sorry? I didn't quite hear that ma'am." He lies.

"Oh. No. It's just that you almost look like a little boy I used to know." She explains. Her face turning pale.

"Who is this little boy, if I may ask? And where is he now?" He asks trying to contain the nervousness he was feeling.

Nancy looks around to see if any of the Capulets were near hearing range. "It's no one, really. It's actually been years. When Juliet was a baby, in fact."

That's when the Prince realized where he had seen this old woman. She was the very same one that played with him when he was just a child. She would always bake his favorite chocolate chip cookies and they would sneakily eat it behind his parents back. As much as he did not want to remember all those years, the old woman was someone he had grown close to before the incident took place.

Juliet was amused by how the both of then were talking as if they have known each other their whole lives. She nods her head and interrupts. "So that explains why I've never heard of the name. I was a baby."

"Yes. You were too young to even remember such a sweet boy." Nancy's smile turns to a frown as she remembers the poor boy who had tragically lost his family that day. She knew very well that the young man before her was no prince. She was sure that this "Prince Dante" is actually Romeo Montague. But for some reason, out of fear, she chose to not to tell him what she knows.

Romeo had a feeling that Nancy knew about him and his true identity, and he will make sure that the old woman will keep her mouth such or else. Regardless of the fond memories they had those many years ago.

"Anyways, I see that you two seem to know each other quite... well." Nancy changes the subject.

"Well, not exactly." Juliet stutters. Romeo has come to a conclusion that Juliet might have a stuttering problem when it comes to being nervous.

"Hmm?" Nancy looks at her confused.

That's when the Prince decides to step in as soon as he realized that Juliet was running out of excuses. God. This woman. He thought.q

"Her mother introduced us at church. I just so happen to see her again here at the hospital." He smiles back at Juliet.

Nancy was not convinced with his excuse because the two don't seem to realize their hands still interlocking with each other's. She just went ahead and smiled in pity. And the curse goes on. She tells herself.

Juliet blushes. "Come to think of it, why are you here at the hospital?" She asks.

"I come here to visit the children."

"Children?" Juliet and Nancy says in unison.

"Yes. The sick children who are here getting treated for cancer. It just so happens that their rooms are in the same floor your grandfather is in. Who knew? All this time I could've had the chance to see you often." His words were sweet. It started giving Juliet all sorts of mixed feelings she couldn't understand.

Another thing that she didn't understand was what exactly is going on between them? They did not establish any sort of friendship or courtship. Whatever happened to them last night at the Chambre and at the closet was spontaneous. They barely knew each other and have only met three times in their life, yet there was some sort of magnetic pull.

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