Chapter Three: Good Bye, Montagues

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"Matteo? What is going on?" She noticed the fear in the faces of the Montague family as each member of the Capulets held a gun on each of their heads.

Matteo stood there with a blank expression on his face. He stares at Sofia, examining her next move. "Matteo! What the fuck is this?!" Sofia yells.

All he did was stand there and waited until someone walks in. It was an old man with strict features. His icey, blue eyes, which were similar to Matteo's, stares into the soul of the poor bride to be. "You must be Sofia." He grins.

Sofia did not speak. She glares daggers at the old man. She tries to remain strong for her family and for her little brother who started to cry while a big man held a gun right at his face. "Allow me to introduce myself, child. My name is Alessandro. Alessandro Capulet. I am the grandfather of Matteo Capulet. Your future grandfather in law. We are going to be family very soon, my child."

"If we are family. You wouldn't be doing this." She says. Her hands balled into a tight fist causing her knuckles to turn white.

"Ah, yes. See, I've been waiting for the day when the Montagues would rue the day. So, I apologize that it had to come down to this." He grabs a gun from his pants and points it directly at Sofia's grandfather who was in the wheelchair.

"No! Please!" Sofia startles from her place and starts running towards her grandfather, but was pushed harshly by a female who wore a mini black dress that held her thin features. She smirks at Sofia while holding a dagger on one hand.

"Let me through, you bitch!" Sofia yells.

"It's good to see you, Ol' friend." Alessandro smiles at Lorenzo.

"Fuck... you... Alessandro." Grandfather Enzo curses and coughs. He held his chest tightly as if he were about to have a heart attack.

"Lord Capulet, please. I beg you. Don't hurt my family!" Sofia cries out.

Alessandro turns his stare at Sofia. He did not like being interrupted. He, then, turns his gaze to the woman who stopped Sofia. The woman knows and punches Sofia right across the face. Stunned, she falls on her bottom and holds her nose, trying to stop it from bleeding.

Alessandro was satisfied at the outcome and expects the poor bride to be to behave. "I've always wanted to do this. See, this! This is for my wife!" He yells and shoots Lorenzo on the leg.

Lorenzo screams in pain and stares at a psychotic Alessandro. "Juliet never loved you! Remember this, Alessandro! Juliet never has and never will love you!" With that, Alessandro ended his life with a bullet shot to his forehead.

Dead silence was all Sofia could hear. Her heart ached and the screams of every Montague in the room did not reach her ear. She had a blank look every time each of her family members got slaughtered by every single Capulet. Until her eyes fell to the innocence of her baby brother, Romeo. She snaps out of it and attacks the woman who punched her by stabbing her with a knife she always kept hidden on her upper thighs. Good thing she decided to put it on last because she didn't want her future husband to question her.

Yes, it is true that the ladies of the Montague household should be trained as ladies, but what the Capulets did not know is that they were trained to kill or be killed. It was their way of protection from possible kidnapping or assassination attempts despite all the guards hired to protect their family. Now, her training has finally paid off.

Sofia stabs the woman right at the artery of her own neck. Blood gushes from the poor weakling's neck and she falls to his death. It satisfied her knowing that the woman that stopped her from saving her grandfather is now dead. "I cannot believe that this bitch actually had the audacity to punch the future lady of the Montague household." She quickly gets rid of her wedding dress because it hinders her body movements. All that was left of her outfit was a white body suit corset and white spandex. She grabs the gun of the person she killed and starts shooting at every single Capulet that went in her way. Body falls one by one. She looks around her and notices that her mother and father's training paid off as well as they fought for their lives. She sighs in relief realizing that they are still alive.

After being satisfied of her parents' wellbeing, her eyes were fixated with the person who not only broke her trust, but her heart. "Matteo! How could you?! I thought you loved me!" She points the gun at Matteo, ready to end his worthless life.

Matteo chuckles. "Sofie."

"Do not call me that!"

"Right. You knew that the Montagues and the Capulets are rivals for many years now, yet what makes you think that they will put aside their pride just for the two of us?" He says.

"Matteo. I gave up everything for you! I set aside my pride for you! I didn't even gave an ounce of fuck just because you're a Capulet! So, why? What do you hope to achieve?" Sofia cries out as she watches her little brother struggle against the big guard's grip.

"Revenge." Lord Alessandro replied with his hands raised in the air as if he were a God. It made Sofia want to throw out the contents in her stomach.

"What?" Sofia gave a quizzical look at Lord Capulet. "Revenge for what? What did my family ever do to yours?"

Alessandro points his gun towards Sofia and she starts to get ready to fire. Alessandro smirks at the child and then points the gun at Sofia's mother, who was still fighting with one of the Capulet guards, and shoots her right at the back of her upper spine. Aurora falls to her death in an instant with her eyes still open at the chaos before her.

"Mama!" Sofia cries. "Fuck you, Alessandro! Fuck you all!" She was about to shoot at Alessandro until Matteo pushes Romeo right in front of his grandfather.

Sofia panics and stops. "Romeo!" She glares at Matteo. "You better not dare involve my little brother in this. Please! Please Matteo! Please Lord Alessandro! I am begging you! Take me, just not Romeo." She cries.

"Well, then drop your weapon." Alessandro demands. Sofia drops the gun and stares at Romeo. She tries to convince her crying little brother that everything will be alright.

"Good. Now, say good bye to your big sister, Romeo!" Matteo smiles wickedly.

"Wait, what?" Sofia was cut off when someone approaches behind her and slits her throat with a knife. Her eyes were terrified and wide when the life was quickly draining from her body. She turns to see who slit her throat and as angry as she wanted to be, it was too late.

The last person she saw was the last person she thought would never hurt her nor her family, and in those saddening hours she couldn't believe that the one who ended her life was her very own best friend, Rosalita.

"Good bye, Sofia Montague." She says before her best friend's life slips away.

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