Chapter Thirty Six

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It was dark and the moonlit sky did not help the heavy feeling Juliet carried in her chest. She looked at the Capulet mansion. It did not hold the glory and power it once had. Now it just looks like something in a horror movie that will slowly crumble. She grabs the gun in the car compartment and placed it above her thigh where the holder was. She took several deep breaths and prayed that nothing happened to Romeo.

The guards on the ground lay lifeless which made it easier for her to go inside. She opens the grand doors of her own home and saw all the blood and dead bodies on the marbled floors. Even her father finally met her downfall. "So it has come to this." She clenched her fists and with a heavy heart, she kneeled to the floor and caressed her father's cheek. He has turned pale since the blood was draining from him. "If only... if only you had not committed your sins then maybe, just maybe we could all be a happy family." She fights the tears that tried to escape and blinks fast as one nearly fell. She gets up and goes upstairs hoping she would find the man she is looking for.

She carefully looks at the room to make sure no one would suddenly pop up and try to shoot her. She enters one room and sees Sebastian laying on the floor. Looks like you took a toll, too. This is madness. Everything here is madness and it needs to stop! She thought.

Juliet left the room and kept walking around to see if anyone else was still in the mansion, but all that greeted her was silence. She sighs worried what had happened to Romeo. She grabs her phone and tries to call, but the call would go straight to voicemail. "Romeo. Where are you?" She continues to look around the mansion and as she delves further, she can hear screaming. She runs to the directions of the scream and stumbles upon their old rose garden now realizing how lifeless it looked compared to when she was just a child.

The yelling grew closer and she finds her lifeless grandfather on the floor. He didnt look shot or stabbed, he was just dead on the floor. "The son of a bitch deserved it. Too bad God ended his life before I could ever get my hands on him." She hears Romeo scoffs. He, then points his gun at the group who began to scream.

"Please, Romeo. Please spare me!" It was Rose, her sister in law.

Romeo clicks the gun ready to fire. "Romeo! Fuck! Please! Please spare me! I am with a child! Please spare my child I beg of you!" Rose continues to cry.

"Oh shut the fuck up! You can cry and beg for your life all you want, but did the Capulets spared at least the children during the bloody wedding?! You... you killed Benvolio and he was just 7 years old! You killed a child!" Romeo yells.

"Romeo, that was the Capulets!" Rose cried out.

"And you yourself are a Capulet as well! Maybe not by blood but you supported them! For fucks sake, Rose! You killed Sofia! She was your best fr-"

"Oh boo fucking hoo. Sofia was a bitch. She had everything in the world! She could get anything and anyone in the world, yet she chose Matteo! I deserved Matteo!" Rose's innocent facade is now gone and was replaced by a deranged face. She laughs at the memories of her dead friend showing no remorse of her sin. "Go ahead and kill me, Romeo. If that's what makes you happy."

Romeo was about to shoot until Juliet comes out. "Romeo, please dont!"

"Juliet? What are you doing here?" Her face was filled with tears as she looked at the man she always loved realizing that he isnt the same person.

"Romeo, please. Let's just end this madness. Let's just leave together and start s new life. Just you and me. We can all put this behind us." She begs.

"But she killed Sofia! This bitch killed Sofia right in front of me!" He approaches Rose. The gun touches her forehead causing her to flinch. "She has to pay for what she's done together with the rest of the Capulets."

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