Chapter Thirteen: The Secret's Out

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Romeo walks out of the bar. He places his back on the wall and looks at the night sky. He places his hand on his face to cover the embarrassment he felt. "What has gotten into me?" He remembered how he grabbed her to kiss the lips he always wanted to taste. He remembered how sexy it felt when she jumped and sat on the bar table only to have her legs wrapped around his waist. He remembered how he was so close to playing with her clit only to be interrupted by what felt like throwing knives that was wrapped around her thigh.

Romeo was indeed surprised when he felt those knives, and he knew that he had to be more cautious from now on because one wrong move and all his plans for revenge will fall apart. He rubs his chin with his fingers and tries to think of another way to perfect his plan. "There has to be another way."

While thinking carefully, he gives an evil smile. "Time to enter enemy territory."

Three hours have passed and all Juliet could think about was how Prince Dante and her shared a very passionate kiss, not caring about how everyone stared at them.

Juliet decided to wipe the counters clean, organize, and sweep her station just so that she can keep her mind busy from the naughty event that took place.

"So, who was the dude you were making out with?" Her coworker, Raena, asks curiously. Juliet has worked with Raena for a few years already and within those years, she knew that Raena wasn't someone worth trusting. She would pretty much gossip about everyone of the staffs to the point where we would end up fighting with each other, or get in trouble and eventually fired. When people realize Raena's selfish ways, they tend to stay away from her. But sadly, that Raena seems too stupid to even realize it. She still tries to cling on to each and every one of us as if we are her bestest friends in the world. Either she is just plain stupid and clueless, or it is just her way to fuck around with our minds.

"Ugh. No one, Raena." Juliet rolls her eyes.

"Come on, Maria. Please! I am dying to know! He is so hot!" Maria. Because of that stupid Prince, she nearly forgot about her disguised name. She looked at her coworker who looks pretty much drunk.

"He... he is just some guy that I met tonight. Nothing big." She lied.

Raena raises a brow. "A guy you just met? Am I hearing this correctly, Maria?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong about what I said?" She asked, her voice filled with annoyance at her co worker.

"Yes, Maria. Everything about what you said is awfully wrong." Raena sings. Raena knew that her coworker was lying and she is pumped and ready to get the truth out of her. She always knew that Maria was a mystery and because of the incredibly handsome man that appeared for the first time in the bar smashed his lips at her coworker's own instead of her's, she is desperate to know just who exactly was that man and who is he to her.

She stops what she was doing and stares at Raena with her hand on her hips. "And what exactly did I said was wrong?"

Juliet was getting even annoyed with the interrogation that Raena was pulling off. She wanted to keep her double life a secret and she plans to keep it that way, and Prince Dante is a new problem that she has to deal with. As much as she wanted to finish what they started, she hopes and prays that she would never have to see him again.

Raena smirks at her coworker. Does this bitch really think I'm dumb? I'm drunk. Not dumb. She tells herself.

"Well, one thing is for sure, I've worked with you for two years and never have I seen you flirt with a customer. They flirt with you, but you dodge them like a plague. Everyone here says you are, and I quote, "hard to get."" She says air quoting with her two fingers.

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