Chapter Twenty One: The Feeling Betrayal

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A/N: Surprise! Three chapter updates in one day! Thought I'd give you guys a little something as a thank you :)

The night that they had was wonderful. Romeo, for the first time, managed to enjoy his life.

The kiss that they shared on that couch brought unfamiliar sparks that brought immense happiness.

After their little fun, he dropped Juliet home at around 10:00pm. He wanted to have another kiss, so he took the initiative and kissed her goodnight.

The same sparks filled his belly. His hand firmly held onto hers as he did not want to let go.

Before heading inside her home, the prince gave Juliet a kiss on the forehead. "Be ready before lunch tomorrow. I will pick you up and we will have an amazing lunch together at the Tower of Verona." He tells her.

Juliet nods with a big smile on her face. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, my goddess."

Juliet approaches inside her home and slowly closes the door behind her. She lays her back on the wooden door and smiles. Her hands touched her lips as she remembers the feel of his kiss.

It wasn't like the previous kisses that they shared. Juliet felt something with this one.

Despite feeling sexually frustrated, she was content with the kiss and the bond that they had tonight. It was something that she would cherish for the rest of her life.

Romeo finally arrived at his father's mansion. He is greeted by an old man by the door. It was their old butler, Sebastian. He bowed to greet his Prince home. "Welcome home, Prince Dante. How was your date with the lovely Capulet child?" He smiles.

"It was... quite interesting." He says.

"Well, I'm glad that you had a wonderful evening." Sebastian responded as he grabs the car keys that was handed to him by the Prince. He goes to the Prince's car and drives it back to the garage.

Romeo's father, then, greets him as Escalus descends from the stairs. "How's your date at the lake house?" He asks.

"It was good." He says not making eye contact.

"Good? That's it?" Escalus raises a brow.

"Yeah." Romeo quickly answers.

Escalus paused. He eyes his son suspiciously until he can see a certain emotion that he hasn't seen in the boy in a while. "No. Oh, no." He places a hand on his forehead.

"What? What is it?" Romeo asks.

"Son, please. You cannot be falling for Juliet. Are you forgetting our plan?"

"I haven't forgotten the plan, father. And I am not falling in love with Juliet. You know I wont make the same mistake Sofia did with Matteo." He argues.

"I know you wont, Dante. I know you're smarter than that!" His voice grew loud for half the house to hear.

"Exactly, father. Which is why you have nothing to worry about. Juliet is a Capulet, and her family must pay together with her life." Romeo grits his teeth and clenches his fist. He reminded himself of all the hateful memories he had. He reminded himself why he had to do this. He reminded himself why he should never fall in love with a Capulet. Let it be anyone, not a Capulet.

All the emotions felt tonight suddenly vanished in the snap of a finger. His infatuation for the woman quickly disappeared and is now replaced with hatred.

Escalus sighed in relief. "Dante. I am doing this for you. I am doing this for your family. For the sake of your family, please do not make the same mistake Sofia did. Please, throughout the years we have lived together, I felt as if you truly are my biological son despite not sharing the same blood. I don't think I can bare losing you, too." He places his hand on Romeo's arm and gives it a squeeze.

"I know father." He loosens his body as he relaxes. He knew that Escalus was in love Sofia. He always knew those feelings since he caught Escalus crying in his private study as he stares at a photo of Sofia. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I won't lie that I nearly felt something, but thank you. Thank you for reminding me of everything." He frowns.

Romeo heads up the stairs and into his room. He closes the door behind him and heads straight to his private bathroom to take a shower before going to sleep.

After he was done getting ready for a good night's rest, he couldn't shut his eyes. His thoughts always going back and forth from wanting to sleep to the beautiful goddess that nearly took his heart.

I cannot make the same mistake Sofia did. He tells himself over and over like a mantra.

Exhaustion finally took over making him drift to sleep.

The brightness of the sun that radiated from his window woke him up. It felt like he was rejuvenated from a good night's sleep. He stretches his entire body, letting out a really good yawn. Stretching feels amazing. He says happily.

As soon as his eyes felt less exhausted, he looks at the time. 11:45 am. "Eleven... forty-"

Romeo slaps his forehead. "Fucking shit!" He curses under his breath realizing that he was late. He quickly gets up from his bed and heads to the shower.

Once he was done, he looks through his wardrobe. He grabs a plain white v neck fitted shirt which exposed the alignment of his toned body. He wore his denim blue pants, then his black boots.

Romeo leaves his room without a care of fixing his hair. He ruffles it around to dry knowing that the outcome would still make him look sexy, either way.

Luckily, he called Sebastian before taking a shower to get his car ready. As soon as he walked out, it stood there waiting for him. He gets in the car and revs the engine. He drives and exits his father's land, heading to the Capulet mansion.

It was almost 1:00pm. Juliet stood outside waiting for Prince Dante to arrive. She was getting tired and hungry. She pouts while rubbing her hungry belly. "Maybe he forgot?" She tries to convince herself.

Her thoughts distracted from an upcoming car. Juliet's frown turns to a smile as soon as she recognized the vehicle.

The car comes to a halt. The Prince himself quickly gets out and approaches the waiting woman. He places his big hands on her sexy waste, loving the way it fit his hands perfectly. "I am terribly sorry, Juliet."

"I was worried that you've forgotten." She pouts.

Romeo couldn't help but smile and grabs her face for a kiss. "Come. Let's have an amazing lunch as promised."

Lunch was amazing. Juliet had always ate at the restaurant inside the hotel, but never has her and her family sat outside.

Her family's complain was that it would be too hot; that they'd rather enjoy the air conditioning.

Just like last night, Juliet loved how they can open up with one another. She told him stories of the good days when she was just a child. She also mentioned how she never wishes to be a Capulet anymore.

Romeo noticed the sad glint in her eyes. He knew that Juliet wanted to run away from everything. He wishes to take her pain away, but he had to continue to remind himself about the pain her family caused.

"What was your family like?" Juliet asks. Romeo did not noticed that he was daydreaming until the woman spoke up.

"Hmm?" He responded

"Your family. What are they like?" She repeated herself.

"My... family." His gaze grew cold and hard. Romeo clenched his jaw. His response came out bitter. "I don't like talking about them."

Juliet's eyes grew wide. Why the sudden cold shoulder? "Did I say something wrong?"

Romeo closed his eyes and tries to relax. "No. It's just that... I'm sorry, Juliet. I just don't really want to talk about it. I hope you can respect that." He grabs her hand and rubs his thumb around it in circular motion. He gives her a fake smile. He needed to continue to get to her good side or the mission would fail. He needed to make sure that Juliet falls for him so that this mission can finally come to an end.

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