Chapter Twenty Three: The Mystery Gift

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! It's been hectic for the passed few days, and especially with the flu going around. :(  Anyways, thank you all for taking your time to read Romeo's Revenge:) don't forget to hit that vote button. Also, do not hesitate to comment on what you think about the story. I'd love to read what you guys think!

It's been two months since Escalus and Romeo started their plot for revenge. The king grew anxious day by day wondering when they will succeed and how much longer it would take. He wanted to get everything over with so that he can continue his life peacefully without the Capulets ruining his mood and his country.

Escalus turns as he hears someone entering the kitchen. His mouth was still filled with the delicious chocolate pudding cake made by Milliana.

The one who enters the kitchen was no other than the beautiful caramel devil herself.

She had a surprised look on her face, suddenly turning to sadness. Milliana tries to turn away but was stopped by Escalus right after he gently placed the delicious dish on the countertop. "I thought you were going to leave our home." He whispered in her ear.

The king never failed to create butterflies in Milliana's stomach. She took a deep breath of his scent and realized how much she had miss his warmth. "I realized that it is hard to find work these days, so I decided to stay. I've grown accustomed to this mansion and the workers. So I couldn't bear to leave them." She lies.

Deep down, Milliana knew that she couldn't bear to be far away from the King. She loved him, but he couldn't return those feelings.

"I'm glad you decided to stay." He pulls her closer, slowly turning to face him. "I've missed you." He says.

It shattered her heart. Milliana wanted say she missed him too, but couldn't. "My King, I believe I've mentioned that we need to stop what ever it is that is going on between us."

Escalus looks at her, amazed that she was rejecting him. No woman had ever rejected him before, until this beauty before him. "Why?"

Milliana's brows furrowed, confused at his question. "Why what?"

"Why should we stop?" He had a sad look on his face. It was as if someone had taken his favorite cookie away from him.

Milliana sighs with obvious annoyance and frustration. Shelooks straight at the king with all the in her face. "Because I am nothing more than a maid; a woman who warms your bed every night. I will admit that those nights were amazing, but again. I am a maid, and you are my king." She says with the same sadness in her eyes. She was about to cry and it made the king want to hold her; to hug her and calm her.

As Escalus was about to approach her with slightly open arms, she backs off not wanting to get any closer. "Please, don't touch me."

The king runs his hair in frustration, not knowing what to do. His feelings for the woman confused him and he couldn't understand what it was he was feeling. "I don't understand you, Milliana! If you can't seem to stand me so much, then just leave! You are fired!"

Milliana was taken aback. Was he joking? Did he meant it? As surprised as she was, she was more heart broken. It felt as if the king was just tossing her away like some over used rag. Over used rag.

The poor woman was too shocked that she did not even realized that she was already crying. Her tears also shocked Escalus. His eyes grew wide. The last time he had seen her cry was when she begged to not be fired. That was the first night they spent together in his bed, but this time she wasn't begging. "Milli-"

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