Chapter Seven: The Caramel Maid

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Days went by since Mercutio left Romeo, now known as Dante under Prince Escalus' wing. It was awkward at first, but the both of them bonded really well like a real father and son would.

If Sofia were alive today and if she weren't getting married to that eye sore Matteo, Escalus knew that having many babies with Sofia would make him the happiest Prince in the world because he is sharing his life with his love and their children. But sadly, not all wishes of a Prince can come true. There will always be an empty feeling in his heart without her.

Now that Sofia is gone from the world, his way of mourning was leaving the house in the middle of the night and going to any popular bars in town, fucking high class, yet very easy women. And tonight is one of those nights where he needs to release his stress.

Right before leaving his own home, he peeked inside Dante's room to see if he is well asleep just like what he always does the previous nights. He didn't want the child to know of his whereabouts and always informs the maids to make sure that they keep an eye on the boy while he is gone, and if he were to wake up looking for his father, they must call him immediately.

Romeo may not be his son, but he respects the boy and wants to take full responsibility for him.

As he was about to descend the stairs, the beautiful maid with curly dark, brown hair and emerald eyes nodded and told her master to take care of himself. She had caramel flawless skin and had quite an hourglass figure. Her bosom and ass were quite plump as well, something that suddenly made Escalus crave for her. If only she wasn't a maid, the Prince thought.

Prince Escalus was well-aware of the maid's feelings for him and there are times when he would imagine himself ravaging this sexy maid right in front of him, but he knew himself to be very shallow. He will never fuck a maid because, well, he is a Prince and he would only fuck high class women.

"What time will you be back, my Prince?" The daring maid asks. Never has she been this bold to speak to the Prince. Let alone ask when will he return home. In fact, this is the very first time she has ever spoken to him. All she ever did was admire him from afar.

Silence greeted her. The Prince continued to stare at her for quite a long period of time. Her heart started racing rapidly and she started to regret speaking to him. Fear began to creep into her spine because she suddenly thought that she would lose her job. No, she cannot lose this job. This is the only job she has and it helps her keep food in the table for her and her little sister.

"I-" she began to cry. "I am sorry, my Prince! I promise to never speak to you again, just please spare me my job! I need this to keep me and my little sister alive! Please!" The beautiful maid cries harder.

The Prince was caught by surprise, and him being the romantic playboy he is, he couldn't stand seeing a woman cry. He couldn't help but lift up her chin to get a better look at her face. She was indeed a beauty despite the fact that her heart shaped face was now covered in sticky tears. Escalus then, looks down on those delectable plump lips. He suddenly felt a hard on coming along his groin. His heart beats quickly as his face slowly got closer to hers.

The maid, too, was surprised. She wanted to look away but couldn't. The Prince had quite tantalizing eyes and she couldn't look away! She felt something strange in between her legs and she didn't know what it was or why she felt that way. All she could feel is a throbbing, wet sensation and as if instincts kicked in, she knew that she wanted the Prince to finish whatever it is she was feeling. It took her entire will to fight this unknown feeling and as soon as she gained control over her body, she finally spoke. "My Prince?" She says as his nose touched hers. But the Prince didn't listen. He could care less of what she wanted to say. He had no time to wait for his driver to take him to the next available high class whore. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. Fuck this shit. Even if you are a maid, you will do! He said to himself.

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