Chapter Thirty Two

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"Father!" Romeo barges into King Escalus' study following Juliet from behind. Escalus looks up, then looks at Juliet in surprise.

"What is she doing here, Dan-"

"She knows. I told her everything." Romeo cuts him off.

It was as if steam was coming out of the King's ears. His face thens red out of anger upon hearing his son's confession. "Why would you do that? What if he tells this to her family?" He yells, shocking Juliet as he has never seen or heard the king get mad before.

"She won't, father. I trust her." He tries to reason with the anger old man.

"Last time your sister trust her brother, it got herself killed along with the rest of your family! Never forget!" He points at Romeo.

"My king. With all do respect, but I am not like my family. I will never betray Romeo because I love him." Juliet says. Her chin held up high. It was the Capulet stubbornness in her veins again.

The king scoffs at the naive little girl. "Okay." He shrugs. "Fine. Since you trust a Capulet. So what do you want?"

"Father, it's Jose. Alessandro's taken him." King Escalus sits back on his leather chair. He rubs his chin thinking of the best plan to save Jose, but thought of none. Should I risk my plans for revenge just to save Jose? He was like a son to me. I raised him and Romeo as if they were brothers.

Finally, King Escalus came to a conclusion.  "I'm sorry, Romeo. But I can't risk losing you, too."

"Father, you can't be serious. This is Jose we're talking about. He was like your son! You raised us as if we were your own and you're willing to have him die in the hands of the man also responsible for Sofia's death?! You've got to me fucking kidding me!" Romeo yells.

"Do not dare speak to me like that! I am your father and I am most importantly the king! You will respect me, boy!" Escalus' voice boomed across the room. The sound of shattered glass was heard by the door. A familiar small, delicate figure was seen. It was no other than his beautiful woman, Milliana. Did I just thought to her as my woman? That cannot be. He scoffed. "What are you doing here?"

"I asked her to come." Romeo interrupted.

"You what? Why would you do that?" Escalus was irritated, yet glad at the same time that she was here. He missed her. He missed the bond they had and when she decided to leave and stop their relationship, it shattered him into a million pieces. That was when he knew that he will forever be alone. Everyone he loved left him. Even the grown man he calls son.

"Father. I told you to be honest with your feelings. You are just hurting yourself. My sister would want you to be happy, yet here you are preventing yourself from ever happening.

Escalus grits his teeth. He would never be happy until Matteo is dead. "And how would you know that Sofia would be happy?"

"Because before her wedding day, when she found out you weren't joining us, she was hurt. She knew of your feelings but she had hoped that her best man would be there for the wedding. She may not have loved you the way you hoped her to, but she loved you as someone like her brother and best friend." Romeo said with sadness lingering in his voice. He slowly approached his father. "I went back to the abandoned Montague mansion. It was still beautiful despite all the vines and trees that destroyed its once majestic and powerful hold. I went in her room and surprisingly, there was a purple diary hidden underneath the night stand. Sofia would talk about how all three of you would always go in an adventure. Matteo may have broken her out of her very reserved shell, but she said that you brought out more to her. You taught her to love herself and to never take shit from anyone." He chuckled. It was true. He remembered how Sofia used to be so conservative. She would always and seemed forever that she will follow the orders and the will of the Montague family, but upon meeting then Prince Escalus, she changed. She fought her way and protected him when he was just a child.

Romeo thought that if things were different... if Sofia fell in love with Escalus instead of Matteo, what would've happened? Would he still fall in love with her fire head woman? He made a quick glance at Milliana, there he knew that Milliana's eyes were filled with so much love for the king. She had always been in love with the king. If Sofia married Escalus instead, she would love the king in a distance.

Escalus clenches his hand and gritted his teeth. He wanted to cry from what his son had told him. His heart ached for the lost life of his previous love. He, too, made a quick glance at the caramel beauty before her. His heart fluttered at the sight of her beauty. He remembered all the times they spent together minus the intense love making they shared. She cared for him when he was sick. That one time when he was injured from horseback riding, Milliana held so much obvious fear in her face. She cared for him until he was back on his feet. When, for the first time, Milliana caught him crying in his room, she boldly approached him. She gave him a hug and kissed his forehead. Escalus wanted to push her away but he didn't. He just let her stand there, hugging his strong head while he hugged her voluptuous figure as he cried on her belly.

That's when he came to a realization that he is in love with Milliana. His gaze was firmly on her; focused on her. But his eyes were soft and loving, and Milliana can feel it. Her heart beat accelerating from th piercing stare of her master. She felt warm inside, but not just from her entire body. Also her core. She missed him and she was stubborn to admit it.

"Romeo... Juliet. Could you please leave us for a moment? I'll have two body guards escorting you to save Jose." He smiled at Romeo.

Romeo returns the smile. He was definitely happy that his dear friend would be saved. "Thank you father!"

As soon as they left, Escalus picks up his landline and calls for one of his most trusted guard. "Sebastian. Please assist Romeo in retrieving Jose. Bring your most trusted and well trained men. I need this mission complete as soon as you can and make sure you bring both my sons back to me alive and safe." After he was done, he hangs up and stares nervously at the woman before him. She, too, was hesitant. Her legs shook and was close to turning into mush jelly.

"Milliana." He whispers. Oh how she missed hearing him call her name.

"My king." She whispers back, but Escalus glares at her.

"Remember what I said?" He smirks.

Milliana thought for a while ob what he meant and soon remembers. "Oh. Es... Escalus." He chuckles at her nervousness. In fact, he was nervous himself. "Uhm..." she says breaking the tension in the air.

"I need to tell you something." She looks at Escalus with an serious expression never been done before.

"What is it, my love?" He walks to her and places his strong arms on her shoulders. He gave himself a good look at her. He realized how much she was glowing and had slightly gained weight, but no matter. He loved her just that way she is.

Suddenly, Milliana began to cry. "What? What's wrong, Milliana? Did something happen to you? Did someone hurt you?! I swear. I will kill the person who dare lay a hand on you!" He growls with anger boiling inside him.

Milliana jumps and blushes at his threat. "No, no! It's- it's not that, Escalus. I'm just... I'm just scared. I don't want you to hate me or anything. I'm just really scared." She stutters.

Escalus was confused. He raises one brow and looks at his fragile little flower. "Why would I be angry at you? Milliana, for all I know, I love you."

It was as if her ears were deceiving her from the three words that came out of his mouth. "What did you say?"

Escalus smiled. "I will never get tired of saying it. Milliana, I love you. I love you so much."

Hearing this, she began to cry some more but even louder. Escalus jumped in fright. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No! You didn't! You said something so... so perfect! I'm happy. I love you too, Escalus. And that is one of the reasons why I took Master Romeo's word to come back. It's because I love you." She smiles with tears still rolling down her face.

Escalus brought her into his arms, giving her a big warm hug. He couldn't be any more happy. "Wait, you said one of the reasons?"

Milliana looks at his beautiful orbs and bit her lip making his groin go crazy for her. "Yes... about that. Escalus, I'm pregnant."

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