Chapter Ten: Private Detective Paris

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Beauty. It can be deceiving, and it can also be a curse. But what if it's nothing more than just a deceiving curse? A person can act as though their beauty is just a weight that they have to carry for the rest of their life, when in reality, they are quite enjoying the attention. That's what Romeo thought of Juliet Capulet. He's heard the endless rumors of the young beauty that was rarely seen in public. Not only was she known to be beautiful but kind hearted as well. She'd often help the orphanage and elderly home, and she doesn't allow her pictures to be taken. Now that he's seen her for the first time, he can tell that the woman was shallow and conniving. It will be tricky to seduce her, but he was confident in succeeding.

Since their very first encounter at the cathedral, he couldn't stop thinking about her beauty. Who knew that Lord and Lady Capulet were actually able to produce a beautiful creature with them looking like creatures of the night? He thought.

He examines all the photos that his private investigator had sent him. All the photos in the Manila envelope contains all photos of the Capulet household members. One of them contains harsh evidence about Matteo's illegal activity on shipping drugs in hopes to restore the Capulet wealth.

Jose knocks on the door before proceeding himself inside Romeo's study. "I brought you a drink. Thought you'd might want to unwind for a bit, my Prince." He places the whiskey on his Prince's desk.

"Jose, I've told you many times again. Please, you don't have to address me as Prince. You can call me Dante." He lectures.

"Dante?" Jose gives him a toothy grin.

Romeo glares at the man. "Oh, you know what I mean!"

Jose knew of Romeo's true intention and his plot for revenge against the Capulets. He was also very well aware of his true name and his background. Jose was the only person Romeo trusts with his life. Jose grew up with nothing, and Romeo knew what it felt like to have everything taken from you in the blink of an eye. The two shared their sadness together and that's what made them as close as brothers. Jose also reminded Romeo of his dear cousin, Benvolio, who lost his life as well on that tragic day.

Jose noticed the photos of the Capulets and that one distinct photo of Juliet Capulet. She definitely was a beauty; a beauty you hardly see in Verona. Too bad she wasn't his type if only he were straight.

"Juliet Capulet. A woman known for her kindness, and innocence, and beauty, but..." Romeo mentions.

Jose raises a brow. "But?"

Romeo twirls the whiskey contents in his glass cup and stares at it mesmerized by it the dark honey color as it shines in the light. "But how far will that innocence go? Just like me, she prevents the paparazzi to take "scandalous" photos of her nor does she allow interviews. She's too private. There has to be something the little siren is keeping from her family. Something that I should find out. And once I do, I'll work my way there." He grins.

As if there definitely was a God that had answered his prayers, a knock on the door was made. "Come in." Romeo says.

The person opens the door and removes his hat. "My Prince." He bows.

"Paris. I see you have good news for me?" Romeo asks.

"Yes. It is about Juliet Capulet." Romeo's ears perked as he heard the name. He was intrigued and wanted to know what is there to know about the private woman.

"And what is it?"

"Apparently, she is seen on the outskirts of town with a different name. In every club she goes to, she goes by Maria." Romeo raises a brow. He grew fascinated with the new intel he received.

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