Chapter Twenty Five: Look Out Your Balcony

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Juliet looks at her balcony from her room, wondering when will she be seeing Prince Dante again.

Two months passed since his courtship, and she loved every single day of it. Prince Dante was a romantic gentleman who only thought of what was best for Juliet.

The woman had tons of courtship from different men in the past, yet not one of them exceeded her expectation until she met Prince Romeo. He was not like any other men. Heck, he was better and much more kind than the Capulet men and that enough says something. Prince Dante did not objectify her in how a woman should be. He let's her speak her mind. Even her thoughts of what she thinks of the country and the kingdom, and what she believed should be changed to make Verona a better place.

The prince listened to all her thoughts. He smiled and was amused at how strong her character was, and that was the very thing he admired about the woman. Juliet was like no other woman he'd encountered. He dared not to compare her to any woman because Juliet Capulet is one of a kind. Too bad things had to go to a different turn for the both of them, he thought.

A soft knock was made on the door. "Come in." Juliet announces.

In came small footsteps in her big room. She turns to see it was Nancy. "Good evening, my Juliet. How is your night coming along?" The old woman asks with a smile on her face. She had a cup of hot chocolate milk on her hand and gave it to Juliet.

Juliet gladly accepts her favorite drink, kissing her mother Nancy on the forehead. "Thank you, Nanc. My night is alright." She shrugs.

"Mhmm." Nancy raises a brow at the child.


"Something is obviously bothering you. What is it my child?"

Juliet stays silent for a few seconds. "I just... I havent heard from Prince Dante in a while. I'm kind of worried that he may have lost interest in me, you know?" She stares at her hot coco.

Nancy looks at Juliet. If only you knew who he truly is. She thought. "Maybe he is going through some stuff at the palace? I mean, he is the Prince after all." She grips her shoulder reassuringly.

Juliet smiles at the old woman who raised her. "Thank you Nancy. I don't know what I would do without you."

Nancy returns the smile until she remembers something. "Oh, what happened to the bar you were working in?"

Juliet's expression turns grim when she remembers what happened that night. She explains Nancy everything that happened. From meeting Prince Dante so suddenly at the bar (minus their erotic moment), to Raena finding out about her true identity, to nearly beating the shit out of her. Nancy's expression was in shock then soon turns to amusement. She always knew that Juliet had a fighting spirit in her. It ran in the Capulet blood after all, but God blessed this family with a very kind hearted, non superficial child. She is not just a spitting image of the late Lady Juliet Capulet, but she also had her heart.

Nancy had been with the family since she was just a child. Her parents served Lord Alejandro and she continued to do the service after their passing. She knew the dark secrets of the family starting with poor late Lady Capulet and the abuse she had experienced while being married into such cruel family. It broke her heart knowing that she couldn't do anything to help the woman.

The late mistress held nothing but sadness in her eyes during her stay in the old Capulet mansion. The only time she would see light in them was when she would lay her eyes Lord Montague, her true love.

"Nancy." Juliet interrupts her sad thoughts. Nancy shakes it off and looks at Juliet who was staring at her with curiosity.

"Yes, my child?" Nancy asks.

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