Chapter Eighteen: Step One

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It was almost five in the morning, and Jose was getting about ready to leave Tybalt's apartment.

As he got up and pulls up his pants, he comes across the photo that distracted him when he was about to make mad love with Tybalt. It was a picture of Tybalt, Juliet, and Matteo from what looks to be about when they were just kids. On the bottom of the photo frame, it said "Best Cousins."

Jose grips the photo, wanting to drop it to the floor and step on it until the faces wouldn't show, but be couldn't have his cover blown. He has to harden his heart and void any emotions whatsoever if he wishes for his best friend and master to succeed in their mission. He had to remind himself that it was the Capulets that made Romeo the way he is now. If the Capulets did not slaughter the entire Montagues, he would've been happy and complete with his family.

A yawn was heard in the room. It distracted his thoughts. "You're up early." Tybalt smiles and winks at the sexy beast before him. He notices Jose holding onto the photo of him and his cousins.

It broadens his smile. "That's Juliet and Matteo. They're my cousins, or well, it's quite obvious because of the frame." Jose doesn't say anything. He keeps his thoughts to himself,and Tybalt knew the man was hiding something.

"Hey, Jose. Is something wrong?" He asks, but Jose still remains silent. His gaze focused on the old childhood photo.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Jose finally speaks up. "We can no longer see each other again."

"Eh?" Tybalt froze at his words.

"I am the Prince's bodyguard and it feels as if I have abandoned my task as his loyal servant. It feels as though I've been whoring around for someone not even worth my time." Jose says with annoyance in his voice.

Tybalt felt insulted with his words. "Wh- whoring around for someone not even worth your fucking time?! You've got to be fucking kidding me, Jose! If I was not worth your damn time, why show up in the first place?! You're a jerk and you deserve to go to fucking hell!"

As much as his words stung Jose, he showed no emotion. He stared at Tybalt, noticing the anger radiating from his body.  It turned him on and wanted a second go, but he chose not to do anything. "Probably if you weren't a Capulet, I'd continue to have a go with you." He smirks, causing Tybalt to feel even more insulted by his words.

"So is that why you suddenly want to stop us?! Because of me being a... a Capulet?! Jose, you are shallow!" Tybalt's jaw clenches at Jose's sudden change in nature. "What does me being a Capulet have to deal with ending this relationship?!"

"I'm shallow? More like the Capulets. All of you are liars and murderers, and I can't wait for the day you will all be exposed!" Jose responds and with that, he grabs his things and leaves.

Tybalt follows and hugs him from behind. "Please. Don't go." He whispered while trying to fight the tears from escaping. "I love you."

Jose froze from his words. Love. He is not capable of love. He breaks free from Tybalt's embrace and leaves.

"Juliet! Are you ready?! Please tell me you're ready! Prince Dante will be coming any minute and I haven't seen your ass down, yet!" Lady Capulet yells from down the stairs hoping her lazy daughter would finally descend.

"Mother, why are you yelling?" Lady Capulet shrieks in fear realizing that Juliet was just right behind her. She rubs her temples as she got a headache from the immense bitch scream her mother did.

"Juliet Capulet! You scared the shit out of me!" Her mother curses. She examines her daughter and saw that her outfit wasn't so bad. It was simple, yet it screamed sex worthy. She nods in approval for her daughter's choice in clothing.

"This is exciting! One day, you will become Queen Juliet of Verona!" Lady Capulet announces while fluffing her daughter's strawberry blonde hair. It was the same hair she thought was top dull for the Capulet name.

When her daughter was born and was placed in her arms for the Capulet men to see, Papa Alessandro couldn't help but name her Juliet because not only did she have his deceased wife's hair, but also her violet eyes. She was the spitting image of his wife.

"Mother," Juliet groans as she rolls her eyes.

"Ah, ah! Do not roll your eyes young lady! That is not queen-like!" Her mother scolds.

Romeo examines himself in the rear view mirror of his car to see if he was presentable. This will be the first date that he will have with Juliet, and he was excited. It's not like it's a real date. He reminds himself.

He grabs the gifts he plans to present Juliet which consisted of simple chocolates and violet colored roses which reminded him of the fiery vixen's eyes.

He locks his car and approaches the giant door. No wonder why these people ran out of money so quit. They don't even know how to spend it wisely. He thought.

There was a doorbell on the side of the door and he presses the bell. It created a loud echo enough for the entire mansion to hear. "Step One: Enter enemy territory." He says right before the giant door opens.

The one who answers the door was a sad looking man. His eyes were swollen as if he had cried for days. He was a complete mess. He had eye bags under his teary blue eyes and his hairy chest was exposed from his slightly buttoned up polo. "Can I help you?" The man asks in annoyance.

"I'm here for Juliet." Romeo says calmly. He did not like how the man is impolite. Who the fuck is this ugly shit?

The man looks at him up and down. He approved of his choice in clothing. Simple, yet allows him to have every women in Verona fall on his feet. He had to admit that the man was like an Adonis. "Are you one of her suitors? Because if you are, you are just wasting your time."

Not appreciating the tone of voice, he decides to tell the man straight. "Sir. I am Dante, son of King Escalus and Prince of Verona, and you will show me some respect. Now, Ms. Juliet Capulet is expecting me, and if you do not believe me, you can ask her yourself."

It was as if the man wanted to shit himself from the sudden revelation. He stood there in frozen state until Juliet herself approached the entrance door with her mother tailing right behind. "Tybalt, is something wrong? I thought I heard an angry v-"

Juliet stopped in her tracks with her mother bumping right behind. "Juliet!" Lady Capulet looks at her daughter and then back at the man outside the door. "Prince Dante! You've finally arrive!" She smiles, pushing Tybalt to the side. She gestures her hands allowing Prince Dante to enter their home.

The Prince enters their home in open arms. "I apologize! I didn't realize you were the Prince! It's just..." Tybalt quickly apologizes.

"It's fine. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"My name is Tybalt, my Prince. Tybalt Capulet." He smiles.

"Oh?" Romeo's brows knit  together. Tybalt, huh.

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