Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

"Nice to see you back Andy," Matt said as Juliet and I came to a halt with everyone in the group.

I just gave him a nod in greeting and Ashley looked to me, a slight bit of annoyance in his expression.

"And why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" he asked, crossing his arms and looking slightly offended that I hadn't said anything to him.

I shrugged. "You didn't need to know?"

"Whatcha mean 'you didn't need to know'?" Ashley exclaimed. "We're friends Andy and I live two houses down from you! I deserve the right to know when you take off and come back!"

"You also told Matt where I was," I shot back, making him give me a guilty smile.

"Yeah...about that..." he said with an awkward laugh, running a hand through his hair.

I shook my head. "Don't worry 'bout it."

Ashley grinned at me, making me smile back. Matt looked to Mike.

"So you all good for tomorrow?" he asked, making us all frown and look at them both.

"What's up?" Jinxx asked, asking what we all wanted to know.

Mike looked to him as I lit a cigarette.

"Eddie's finally going to court over what happened," he said, taking the lighter and packet from me as I handed them to him, knowing he'd want one. "Seeing as I was there when it happened, I've gotta tag along and tell my side of the story."

He handed my things back and Ronnie frowned, Jenna appearing next to him and making him move away from her, standing closer to Matt so he could avoid her.

"Hang on, y'mean to say he hasn't gone to court yet?"

Matt nodded. "That's right. Dunno why it's taken so fucking long; the prick should be locked up already with all the other creepy motherfuckers."

Jenna looked around at everyone.

"Have I missed something here?"

Ronnie looked to her, a glare on his face.

"If we wanted you to know, we'd a' told 'cha," he said bitterly, the hatred clear in his voice as he spoke to her.

Jenna shot him a glare, both of them just glaring at each other now. Mike sighed.

"Alright, what's going on with you two?" he asked, looking between them both.

"Nothing," they both said in unison, glaring at each other again.

I looked to Jenna.

"You," I said, pointing to her and getting her attention away from Ronnie. "I've got a problem with you."

Jenna frowned as I took a drag on the cigarette. She pointed to herself and I gave a nod, exhaling the smoke before I told her my problem.

"Why'd you hit my girlfriend?"

Jenna looked at me for a few seconds before looking at Juliet who looked far from happy with her. Jenna looked back to me and shrugged.

"I didn't?"

"She did," Ronnie said, making her glare at him again. "She hit her and then blamed Juliet for starting it."

Jenna looked shocked, Juliet looking pissed off.

"I didn't start anything," Juliet snapped, crossing her arms and glaring at Jenna who returned the look. "You're the one that hit me!"

"You're just a problem though," Jenna shot back, Juliet looking at her in shock.

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