Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

Andy's Point of View:

"Thanks for letting me stay Vic," I said as I made sure I had everything, Juliet just waiting for me in the doorway to his room.

Vic just waved a hand, dismissing it.

"No problemo amigo," he said with a smile, making me smile a bit as well. "Just make sure you keep it up, ok? I know everything's hard for you, but you've been pretty good this past week; don't go back to the dark side, yeah?"

"I'll try my best, but I can't promise," I said seriously, Vic giving me a nod as I picked up my things. "Well, guess I'll catcha whenever you're back at school. Tell Mike I'll see him tomorrow."

Vic gave a cheerful nod, following me to the doorway where Juliet was waiting for me. I gave her a smile, getting one in return as we headed down the hallway and down the stairs to the front door, Vic trailing behind the whole time.

"Alright Andy, take care man," Vic said as Juliet and I stepped outside and he halted at the door.

I gave a nod.

"Sure thing Vic; see ya later man."

Vic gave us a wave and shut the door as we headed off, Juliet taking my hand as we headed back to my place. I smiled at her as we walked, feeling a lot better than I had in a long time.

It was about midday, and I knew dad wouldn't be too happy when I got home, even though mom had probably told him I was with friends all week. With any luck, dad wouldn't be home.

"You stayin' tonight?" I asked Juliet as we turned down my street after a bit of a walk.

Juliet shrugged, linking her fingers with mine, still holding onto my hand as we headed down the street, seeing my house as we walked.

"Maybe," she said with a smile, making me smile back again. "If you want me to."

"You know I always wantcha to stay; I never wantcha to leave," I said, making her laugh as we came to a halt outside my house.

She reached up and kissed me, but broke away not long afterwards, her fingers still linked with mine the whole time.

"Well I never wanna let you go either," she said, still smiling. "And I haven't seen you much over the week, so I'm gonna stay with you."

I smiled back as she let my hand go so I could open the door. I held it open for her, getting a smile in return before I headed in after her, closing the door once we were in.

"That you Andy?" I heard mom say from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom, just us," I said, heading into the kitchen with Juliet just behind me.

Mom gave me a smile as she looked up from the crossword she was doing. Juliet came to a halt just next to me, taking my hand again and leaning against me. I gave her a glance before looking back to mom.

"You know your father's not happy with you for staying with friends nearly all week," she began, confirming what I'd guessed. "But he probably won't be home before the others get here, so hopefully you won't hear it for a few more days."

I frowned, a bit confused as to what she'd meant. Mom saw the confusion on my face.

"We've got your aunt and uncle and their kids coming down for tomorrow; they'll be here in a few hours," she said, making me groan, as I'd forgotten. "Don't be like that Andy; they'll be here all week."

I groaned again, seeing Juliet smile as I leant my head against hers, mom's annoyance disappearing as she looked at us, a smile taking the annoyance's place.

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