Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Andy's Point of View:

I trudged over to the door, opening it a bit and looking out. Mom looked back at me.

"Hey honey; can I come in?" she asked.

I gave a tired nod and moved back, going back over to my bed and leaning against the headboard. Mom pushed the door open a bit and came in, closing the door properly and coming over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Honey, dad's downstairs, and he wants to talk to you," she said, watching me as I turned the page of the comic I was reading.

"Depends what he wants to talk about," I said, not taking my gaze off what I was reading.

Mom sighed. "Andy, you know what he wants to talk about."

"Well he can get fucked; I'm gonna keep seeing her no matter what he says and that's final," I said. "Can you please go tell him? I'm not comin' downstairs as long as he's down there."

Mom sighed again.

"I'll tell him, but can you at least come down for dinner?" she said.

"Not hungry and dad'll be there," I said, turning the page again.

"You know he's going out with some friends tonight," she said, making me pause and look at her.

"He's not gonna be home?"

She gave a nod and I grabbed my phone from where it was, texting Juliet.

Andy: Hey, I know I said dad was gonna be home tonight (even though he's been home each time anyway, but whatever) but he's going out with a couple people tonight if you wanna come over?

I put my phone down and looked to mom.

"I'll come down for dinner once he's gone," I said.

She gave a nod as my phone buzzed, signalling I had a message.

Juliet: Sounds good. I'll be there in an hour? Love you.

Andy: Sure. Catcha then; love you too

I smiled, putting my phone back down, mom watching me.

"I'll take it Juliet's coming over?"

I gave a nod. "If that's ok?"

She nodded and got up from the bed, heading back over to my door and going out. I just smiled to myself again and went back to reading.


"So, can we make that deal now?" Juliet asked, cuddling up to me a bit more and putting her hands on my chest.

I gave a nod, just watching her as she drew lines on my chest with her fingers. She seemed to like doing that for some reason.

"Ok, here goes then," she said, clearly feeling a bit nervous about whatever she had to say. She looked into my eyes. "Andy, I really want you to stop hurting yourself, so every day, I wanna know if you cut, ok?"

"How will you know I'm not lying?" I asked seriously, though I couldn't lie to her for long.

Juliet looked at me sadly.

"Every day, you're gonna give me your wrist," she said. "Then after school, I'm gonna come back here with you and you're gonna show me any of the other places you usually cut, ok? Please baby; I just wanna know you're getting better."

"What do I get in return?" I asked, mindlessly playing with her hair as we spoke.

She smiled. "Ashley and I already have that figured out, but you have to go two weeks clean before you find out."

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