Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

Ronnie's Point of View:

Jenna looked up as I grabbed the chair from the desk in front of her, turning it around and sitting just in front of her desk. A bit of a smirk appeared on her face as I rested my arms on her desk, the unamused expression on my face amusing to her.

"Alright bitch, you're on," I said, keeping my voice low but harsh. "You wanna fuckin' play me, you're on."

Jenna looked at me with amusement as she crossed her arms and leant back in her chair.

"What's wrong Radke? Can't handle your alcohol?"

"Oh, I can handle it," I said back. "I think I proved that to you on Saturday. Must've been fun tryin' to get me back to your place, hey? Betcha had a great time tryin' to explain it to your mom."

The smirk fell from her face, me smiling at her this time.

"Whatcha want Ronnie?" she asked, wanting me to get to the point.

"You think it's fun getting me wasted?" I asked, the smirk back on her face. The smile stayed on my face. "Well Miss Jenna, it's on tonight. You're coming with me this afternoon for a great night of activities."

Jenna looked at me suspiciously.

"What're we gonna do?" she asked.

The smile stayed on my face as I answered.

"Oh you'll see."


Andy's Point of View:

"Matt! Hey, wait up!"

Matt came to a halt and a bit of a surprised look crossed his face as I came to a halt in front of him.

"Well hey Andy; something on your mind?" he asked, looking me up and down.

"There's always something on my mind," I said with a bit of an awkward laugh as I tried to ignore a couple of people as they knocked into me like every other day. "But really, can I ask you something? Kinda need to know..."

Matt looked at me with a bit of suspicion. His moods would always confuse me. He said he trusted us and whatnot, but every so often, the other side of him would make itself known, and that was why I was still a bit wary of Matt Sanders.

"Guess so," he said after a few seconds hesitation. "What's up?"

I hesitated, subconsciously playing with my lip ring.

"Is it kinda awkward hanging 'round someone who's dating your ex?" I asked awkwardly, catching Matt off guard.

"What? No," he said with a laugh, beginning to walk and making me try to match his stride. "You make her happy; that's all I care about; I've got someone else and it's not my business what you guys get up to."

I gave a nod, keeping my gaze down like always when I walked the corridors.

"I guess it's not really that awkward, seeing as we never did anything serious," Matt continued.

"Huh?" was my response, as what Ashley'd said had now been confirmed. "You guys dated for a few years though, right?"

Matt gave a nod as we headed into the cafeteria.

"Yeah, but we never went all the way," he said calmly, clearly not caring about talking to someone like me about his sex life.

"So wait, I've managed to get laid before you?"

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