Chapter 64

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Chapter 64:

Laying there awake at one in the morning really didn't help to make me feel any better. Juliet was fast asleep next to me and I was just lying there with my arm over her and my eyes closed, unable to get back to sleep.

I sighed and carefully removed my arm from where it was resting over Juliet and turned over to lie on my back, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I was tired and really wanted to sleep, as the longer I was awake, the worse I felt; the depression was making itself known every time I was awake and it was also most likely part of the reason I couldn't really sleep.

I sat up, running a hand through my hair as I looked over at the clock on my desk, seeing that it was only about five minutes past one; I'd only been lying awake for just over ten minutes, but it felt like forever.

What dad had told me earlier on tonight had really struck home, and I was trying very hard to keep myself in bed and not go over to the bathroom where I knew I could take it out on myself. I looked over at Juliet, seeing that she was still fast asleep; not even stirring.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," I said quietly as I leant down and gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

She stirred a slight bit, but stayed asleep. I ran my hand through my hair again as I carefully got out of bed, trying hard to make sure I didn't wake her up.

"Andy?" I heard Juliet say as I reached the door to my room and I came to a halt.

"Sorry sweetheart," I said quietly, as it was dead silent in the house right now; everyone was in bed and most likely asleep. I went back over to my bed and crouched down beside it, seeing Juliet's face just inches away from mine in the dark. "I didn't mean to wake you; just can't sleep and was gonna go downstairs and get a drink."

Juliet looked at me tiredly, clearly still half-asleep. Maybe that was good for me at the moment.

"Alright; well make sure you come back..." she said, trailing off tiredly as her eyes closed again for a few brief seconds before she tried to keep her eyes open enough to look at me.

"I will," I said, brushing a bit of her hair behind her ear. "Now go back to sleep, ok babe?"

Juliet just gave a tired nod before putting her hand on the side of my face and giving me a kiss on the lips before she let me go and closed her eyes again, shifting her position to get comfortable.

I looked at her sadly for a few seconds before I got up and headed over to the bathroom, the complete opposite place I'd told her I was going.


"Alright you two; time to get up."

I groaned tiredly as I heard mom speak. I just buried my face in the pillow and stayed where I was, hearing her sigh as I felt Juliet sit up.

"Andy, are you going to school today or not?" mom asked. "If not, just say so now and you can go back to sleep."

I just waved her away, not responding in any other way. I heard her sigh again and go out, the door closing behind her. A few seconds later, I flinched, as I was caught off guard by Juliet running her hand over my back.

"Come on," she said. "You getting up?"

I just grunted in response and stayed where I was, hugging my pillow as my face stayed buried in it. Juliet sighed and I felt as she slipped her arms around my waist and laid down with her head resting on my exposed back, making me flinch again.

"You said you were gonna be ok to go to school today," Juliet said quietly as she started drawing lines on my back with her fingers. "Please? I miss seeing you at school and the others all wanna see you again; you told Ashley you'd be there today sweetheart."

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