Chapter 54

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Chapter 54:

Ronnie's Point of View:

"I hope you know this' only gonna be going on 'til Sandra's outta the way," I said as I handed my lighter to Jenna who I'd gotten addicted to cigarettes. "Once she's left me alone, we're parting ways."

"I know," Jenna said as I took a drag on my cigarette and she lit one for herself. She handed my lighter back. "And just so you know, you owe me big time for this. I came up with the idea, so you owe me."

"You didn't come up with anything," I said with slight annoyance as I glanced at her before looking out across the open area in front of the school building where we were. "I thought of it; you tweaked it to fit your own style of going about things."

Jenna scoffed and took a drag on the cigarette.

"Y'know mum's gonna be pissed if she finds out I'm smoking now," she said, exhaling the smoke and making me smile in amusement. "Oh and by the way, mum wants you to come over for dinner or something tonight; she likes having you around."

This time, it was my turn to scoff.

"Sure," I said. "That sounds legit."

"You know my mum likes you; first guy I've brought home she's taken a liking to, but whatever."

I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Seriously?" I said, making Jenna nod as she took a drag on her cigarette again. I shook my head and went back to looking ahead of me. "Jesus, that's a first; someone's mom who actually likes me."

Jenna laughed, unable to stop herself. I looked at her with a slight smile on my face.

"What's so funny 'bout that huh?" I asked, shifting my position.

Jenna shook her head, but she was still smiling and trying not to laugh again.

"Just hard to believe people's parents don't like you," she said, holding back some more laughter.

I just smiled at her and she started laughing again. I just took a drag on my cigarette.

"Laugh all you will Miss Jenna," I said. "It's true no matter whatcha think babe. Parents hate me for some reason; dunno why though."

"Well you are kinda intimidating," Jenna said, shifting her position so she was facing me directly now.

I smirked, finding that kinda amusing.

"That's 'cause I know how to present myself."

"And you're rather cocky," Jenna added with a smile.

"You only said that word 'cause you like it," I said, that smirk still there, getting a hit from her. "But I guess you could say that; I'm cocky."

Jenna smirked at me, her mind clearly in the gutter as well.

"We should really be in class by now," she said, switching subjects.

I laughed, lighting another cigarette for myself.

"Why? What are you so scared of? Skipping a few classes?" I asked with amusement as I put my lighter away. "Such a goody-two shoes I see right here in front of me. Can't do anything wrong without feeling bad about it, can you?'

Jenna hit me again and shook her head as I laughed.

"I can skip class if I want," she said defensively as I flicked a bit of ash from my cigarette and took a drag on it. "I just thought we should go back."

"Aw, whatcha afraid of Jen? Afraid they'll call mommy and tell her you've skipped important lessons?" I teased, making her glare at me. "Lighten up babe; not the end of the world if you skip one class."

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