Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Ashley's Point of View:

I looked over at Andy who'd crashed on my bed. I felt kinda sorry for him; hearing what he'd gone through was sad. No-one should've been pushed like that. They'd pushed him to the point of actually about to kill himself, and that was just wrong; no-one deserved that.

I shook my head and sighed to myself, looking down at my phone and texting Juliet. Maybe she'd be able to help? I knew Andy always felt better when she was around, and anyway, she knew where I lived...

Ashley: Hey, sorry for this, but are you busy?

I put my phone down and looked to my computer screen, going back to talking to Jinxx online. My phone buzzed, signalling someone was texting me. I picked it up from my desk.

Juliet: Everything ok?

Ashley: Yeah, was just wondering if you wann'ed to come over cuz Andy's here. He just crashed, but I was sorta thinking it might be better if you were here when he wakes up?

Just as I put my phone down again, it buzzed with an answer.

Juliet: Sure; I'll head over now if that's all good. Is he ok?

Ashley: I hope so. He told me a bit 'bout what happened before all this and yeah...think he's just worn down from the past few days...

I sighed, looking over at Andy again. It was sad really; he never seemed to have a good day anymore.

Juliet: Ok, we'll talk a bit more when I get there? I'm on my way now.

Ashley: Alright; catcha in a few.


I opened the door, letting Juliet inside. She gave me a bit of a smile as I shut the door and indicated for her to follow me into the living room. Mom and dad were somewhere in the house, as it was nearly nine, but if they had a problem with me having someone else over, they'd let me know.

I sat down on the sofa, Juliet taking a seat next to me.

"Is he ok?" she asked, a bit of concern on her face.

I shrugged, looking at her sadly.

"I dunno Juliet," I said. "I dunno if he's gonna make these two weeks either."

She frowned, shifting her position a slight bit so she was facing me more.

"Why do you think that?" she asked, that frown still there.

I sighed and gave a shake of my head.

"He's already struggling; you can see it," I said with another shake of my head. "Speaking to him tonight, I could see it. He really hates himself, and I'm kinda glad he locked himself out; I don't think it would've been wise to have him home tonight."

"Is it 'cause of what happened at school?" Juliet asked quietly, still just watching me. "Does he know Matt got pissed off with him for just walking away?"

I gave a nod, not meeting her gaze.

"He knows," I said. "He feels bad 'bout walking away, but he knew you didn't want him getting into any more trouble; he understands you were just looking out for him."

"What'd he tell you Ash?" she asked suddenly, making me finally look at her. "You said earlier that he told you a few things."

I gave a nod, though I wasn't sure if I should tell her what he'd said or not. If he'd wanted her to know, he'd have already told her, right?

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