Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

Ronnie's Point of View:

"What the fuck happened to you?" was the first thing that Matt said as he joined the remainder of us at the table.

He was looking at Jenna, and he was clearly seeing the bruises on her face from the fight last night. Jenna looked to him and shot him a bit of a glare.

"Nothing; not important," she snapped.

Matt raised his eyebrows at her as she looked away. I nudged her in side, making her wince in pain and look at me with annoyance.

"Don't," she said, making me look at her sadly.

Her expression changed, clearly feeling bad about making me look at her like that.

"Was just thinkin', how'd it go tellin' your mother 'bout why you're all messed up?" I asked, a smirk appearing on my face.

"I fucking hate you," she growled. "That was one of the worst conversations I've had to try and lie my way out of."

I shrugged. "You regret getting me wasted yet?"

"You regret taking me to group therapy?" she shot back, making me smile in amusement.

I leant back in my chair and crossed my arms. Looked like she wasn't giving in that easy.


She growled at me in annoyance and mirrored my position. A few people had been asking her why she looked a mess today, as no amount of foundation had been able to hide the marks from the fight. She was rather pissed with me, but it was her own fault in a way.

"So you decided on whatcha gettin' me to do?" I asked, just curious to see if she'd decided on anything. She gave me a sidelong glance. "I promise my next shot won't be as brutal; it'll be tame."

She looked at me, a scowl on her face. Didn't she ever smile?

"Glad to know you've already sorted your next move," she said, the others half listening in on what we were saying.

I shrugged casually. "What can I say? I'm organised Jenna."

She just shook her head at me, looking away. I smiled in amusement.

"Do you ever smile anymore?" I asked her after a few seconds of silence. "You're never happy."

"That's 'cause I have to put up with you," she said, poking my arm. "You make me unhappy."

"Aw, c'mon darling, we're great together," I teased, pouting at her and making her shake her head at me once again. "I know you still love me deep down."

She looked at me with an unamused expression on her face, making me look at her innocently.

"And I'm sure you still love me deep down in that black heart of yours," she shot back. "If you even have a heart; maybe it's just an empty abyss of nothing."

"Aw, don't be like that," I said, putting my arm around her shoulders and making her tense up as I pulled her against me. "We only ever fight."

"Oh, that's low," she said, making me laugh as she pushed me off her. "I can't believe how heartless you really are."

I shrugged.

"You'll get used to it babe."


Andy's Point of View:

"So you can just take my room for tonight 'til I get the spare room set up," Vic said as we headed downstairs to the living room.

"Where're you gonna sleep then?" I asked, not really sure that I should be taking his room, even if it was only for one night.

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