Chapter 68

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Chapter 68:

Vic's Point of View:

I groaned as my phone kept buzzing, telling me someone was calling; I was silently wishing whoever it was would give up if I didn't answer. I sighed and jumped off my bed, waking Scamp in the process as I dashed across my room and grabbed my phone from where I'd strategically placed it on my desk.


"Vic? Thank God you picked up," Juliet said from the other end of the line, relief in her tone. "I didn't think you were gonna answer."

"Sorry; was distracted," I lied, as I'd literally just been lying there and staring at the ceiling without even thinking. "What's up? Whatcha calling at eleven for?"

I didn't get to bed early enough.

"I need to ask you something; something to do with what Andy was saying when you found him today," she said, making me frown.

I went back over to my bed and sat down on it crossed legged as I answered her.

"Why you wanna know that?" I asked as Scamp walked over my sheets to come sit with me and make me pay attention to him.

"He told me he wanted to die 'cause of what Matt did," Juliet said quietly, clearly upset. "I just wanna know what he was saying."

"Oh," I said awkwardly as I patted Scamp with one hand and held my phone in the other. "I mean, I dunno; he was really putting himself down. Constantly saying he hated himself, calling himself pathetic and worthless and then he'd say that everything would be better if he was gone for good; scared the fuck outta me if I'm being honest here."

"Ok, thanks Vic," Juliet said sadly, her voice quiet. "I was just telling Ashley that I don't think I can keep this up much longer; we're all gonna lose Andy."

"No we're not," I said with determination. "Andy's not goin' anywhere Juliet, y'hear? I haven't given up on that kid just yet and I don't plan on it anytime soon, got it?"

"Thank you Vic; you're probably the only one..."

My expression saddened.

"You've given up?"

"I don't know!" she said, clearly in tears. "I don't know what to do anymore Vic; it was going fine until Matt turned around and fucked things up today. Andy told me that Matt said everything to the class; directed at him but made sure everyone was there to hear it."

"What'd Matt say?" I asked with slight alarm.

"He told everything," Juliet said through the tears. "He told everyone in that class everything."

"He say about why Andy cuts himself?" I asked quietly, really hoping no-one knew.

"He told that and about the eating problems," Juliet said sadly. "Any problem Andy has, Matt told and used against him; Andy panicked Vic, and that's why he broke down. He was freaked out by Matt telling everyone when he tried to get him to shut up. He fucked him up today Vic; Andy's spiralling again, but it's a hell of a lot faster this time and one more thing could push him off that edge if someone's not there to talk to him like you did today. Thank you so much for talking him down Vic."

"Anytime," I said, no emotion in my tone at all as I kept mindlessly patting Scamp who'd dozed off again. "You ever need me to talk to him again, just gimme a buzz and I'll be straight over; he's staying with you for a bit, right?"

"Yeah, he's here. He wore himself out about an hour ago now; he completely crashed out and I don't think he'll be awake 'til the morning, thank God."

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