Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Ronnie's Point of View:

"Alright Radke, where're we headed?" Jenna asked, no amusement in her tone.

"Oh, you'll find out when we get there," I said, shooting her a smirk and making her glare at me as the streetlights came on as we walked. "You forced this upon yourself Jenna. You fit at all?"

Jenna frowned at me, and I saw her trying to think about what I'd ask that for. I shot her an innocent smile, waiting for her to answer.

"I'm decent; why?" she asked suspiciously as we headed down an alleyway, almost at our destination.

"You're gonna wish you were if you're not," I said as we came to a halt at the end of the alleyway, a door blocking our path.

Jenna clearly didn't like what was going on, and I just smirked at her as I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, it opened a slight bit, a guy in his early twenties looking out. He saw it was me and moved aside, letting Jenna and I in.

"This the girl you told me about?" he asked as he locked the door behind us.

I gave a nod, watching as he looked Jenna up and down. She gave me a death glare.

"I can't believe you set me to come to these things; you tell them I'm coming here."

I gave a nod. "Sure do. You can't back out that way. I called ahead."

It was true though. As soon as I'd spoken to her in class, I'd made the call, and now here we were, and she was about to regret making me get wasted; it was a bit harsh, but I wasn't always the nicest guy. The guy looked at Jenna, done with checking her.

"Let's just hope you win," he said, another guy appearing.

"Wait, what?" Jenna exclaimed as we were escorted through the building and into a more open area where all the commotion was coming from.

Jenna looked to me and I gave her an innocent shrug as we came to a halt. I watched as she looked around herself, realising what she had to do now. There was quite the crowd tonight, for a Monday anyway. The crowd usually consisted of younger kids or people, not usually over the ages of twenty-five-ish.

"You've booked me in a fight?!" she exclaimed.

"I've already got people betting against you," I said with another shrug.

"How do you even know about these things?" she asked with shock and slight disbelief.

I shrugged once more.

"I hung with the wrong crowd for a while."

"Alright lady, as soon as this match is over, you're in the next one," the guy that'd escorted us said. He looked to me. "Hope she can fight Radke."

I just gave him a smile and he headed away, probably going to talk to Jenna's opponent. Jenna looked at me as we moved aside to a more clear area. This area was where most of the fighters and their 'managers' stayed to watch the fights. It was open fights for anyone, but I'd made sure I'd called ahead.

"I can't believe this," Jenna said, her focus on the fight that was currently going and still not believing this. "You booked me in a fight."

I shrugged, leaning against the rail and looking down into what was referred to as 'The Pit', which was where they put the fights on, the crowd higher up so no-one got in anyone's way. The guy that was next to me nudged me in the side, getting my attention.

"You ready for your girl to lose tonight Radke?" he laughed.

"Why? She against your slut?" I shot back, the guy glaring at me now.

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