Chapter 62

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Chapter 62:

"Well hey guys; weren't you in here just yesterday?" Brian asked as he waited to take our order.

I gave a shrug as Juliet tried to decide.

"You know us; can't keep away for long Brian," I said, getting a brief smile from him in return.

"Seems like it," he said. "Anyway, what can I getcha guys today? Same as yesterday I assume?"

I looked to Juliet and she gave me a bit of a nod, the smile on her face as she looked at me. I looked to Brian.

"Seems like it," I said. "I'll just have whatever she's getting, 'cause I don't think I got anything yesterday..."

Brian just gave a nod and wrote it down.

"Alright, sounds like a plan," he said as I handed the cash over.

I looked to Juliet. "How 'bout you go find somewhere for us to sit, hey?"

She gave me a smile and went off to try and find a place for us to sit, as there were already quite a few people in here at this time. Brian handed my change over and watched as I put it back in my wallet.

"You spoken to Matt recently?" he asked as I put my wallet away.

I shook my head. "Not really; him and Zacky keep to 'emselves a lot now."

Brian gave a nod and handed our order to one of the other people that were working before looking back to me.

"Alright then," he said, moving aside so I could as well, as I was apparently holding up a few people. He continued once we were out of the way. "I would've thought he'd speak to you guys more 'cause he sits with you now, right?"

I gave a nod, a slight bit confused as to what he was implying.

"I guess so; why? He ok?"

Brian gave a shrug.

"See, that's why I thought you could tell me," he said, making me frown. "I haven't spoken to him in a while, and I was just wonderin' if he's ok. He's been keeping to himself a lot more now and it's kinda rare that he stops talking to any of us; fuck, I've known him since about second grade when Jimmy and him became friends. Just feel like something's wrong lately."

I gave another nod, still frowning a slight bit.

"Well I dunno," I said truthfully. "Zacky might be the one to go talk to 'bout that Brian; I haven't spoken to him in a while."

Brian nodded, but I could see he was a slight bit worried about his best friend.

"Alright, well can you let me know if you speak to him?" he asked, getting his phone out and checking something.

I gave a nod and watched as he grabbed the closest piece of paper and wrote his number down on it. He handed me the piece of paper and handed me the pen and a spare piece for me to write mine down on. I did as asked and handed the pen and paper back.

"Alright, thanks Andy," he said. "I've gotta get back to work; I'll have your order for you in a few minutes man."

I gave a nod and headed over to where Juliet was at one of the tables near the window. I gave her a smile as I sat down, the piece of paper with Brian's number already in my pocket.

"Everything ok?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. "He's just concerned about Matt again 'cause he keeps to himself a lot now; he thinks something's wrong with him and he just wann'ed to know if I knew anything about it because I see him at school occasionally."

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