Chapter 48

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Chapter 48:

"You want me to stay tonight baby?" Juliet asked as she slipped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her waist.

It was just after school the next day, and surprisingly, I hadn't really been harassed by anyone all day; no sign of Eddie. Sure, it made a couple of the others – mainly Ashley – worried, but in a way, I think they were happy that I'd gone a whole day without breaking down or being harassed.

"If you wanna join me, then be my guest," I said, leaning down that bit to kiss her.

Juliet smiled through the kiss and tangled her fingers in my hair a bit as we made out, not really caring if the others were waiting.

"C'mon guys, let's get home," I heard Ashley say as he passed me.

Juliet and I broke apart as we realised we were about to be left behind. Juliet took my hand as we followed Ashley and Mike, Jack in tow as always.

"Hey Ash," I called, making him slow his pace and walk with Juliet and I. "Just wann'ed to letcha know that I'm staying with Juliet for a while. We're gonna come back to my place tomorrow after school so I can get a few things then I'll be away for a bit, so is it ok if you take the cats tomorrow afternoon when we get home?"

Ashley gave a nod, a bit of a spring in his step as he looked ahead and answered.

"Sure thing Ando!" he said cheerfully, clearly feeling good today. "I'll trail you cute couple home and take 'em off ya hands for as long as you need!"

I smiled, knowing that I could count on Ashley for pretty well anything.

"Thanks man."


"It's weird being back at school," Vic said as him and Jinxx walked with me through the corridors to the cafeteria the next day.

"You were here yesterday though," Jinxx noted as he fell into step properly with Vic who was trying to match my stride.

"Yeah, well...shut up Jinxx," Vic retorted, making the both of us smile in amusement.

Ashley fell into step with me this time, making me jump at his sudden appearance.

"Well hey there Andy, Vic and Jinxx," he greeted as we went through the doors and into the actual cafeteria, heading over to the table like always.

"Hey Ash," Vic said as we all took our seats, Ashley opposite me.

Vic sat next to me like he always did whenever he was here as Jinxx sat next to Ashley, the others already here except Juliet; she was nowhere to be seen. I looked to Matt who was down near the head of the table with Zacky, talking over a few things.

"Matt," I said, getting his attention, Zacky looking up as well. "You seen Juliet anywhere?"

Matt shook his head and went back to looking over whatever he and Zacky had been going through.

"Nope," was his attempt at a response.

Matt hadn't been at school much lately, as his doctor had apparently made sure he wasn't getting out of bed much anymore until they figured out what exactly was wrong with him, as they still hadn't figured it out and he was still getting the dizzy spells every so often. It wasn't as often as it had been; it'd seemed to ease off a bit, but it was still a hassle for him.

"She said she'd be here when we got here," I said as I looked back to the table and frowned, mostly talking to myself and not really expecting anyone else to answer.

"Well maybe she got caught up with something," Mike suggested, getting my attention.

I shook my head as Jack watched me from his position a few seats down from me.

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