Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

"You so much as touch anything, and you'll regret it real quick," I warned, Jason just giving me a bored look. "I'm not fucking around this time man; I'm dead serious. Don't you dare touch anything when I'm at school."

Jason just waved a hand to dismiss what I was saying, clearly not giving a fuck to what I was saying. He went back to playing on his phone and I just sighed, looking to Juliet who gave me a shrug.

"Alright, whatever then," I said, heading over to the door and signalling for Juliet to follow me. "I'll be back in a sec. Don't touch anything."

Jason just flipped me off as I headed out the door, Juliet not far behind me. She'd helped me drag the spare mattress into my room, and that was where Jason was gonna be sleeping for the next week while he was here. It was starting to get late, but I'd promised her I'd have something to eat when everyone else wasn't around.

I could hear the adults talking in the living room, and I could hear them talking about all of us, Juliet included. She followed me into the kitchen, coming to a halt at the table and leaning on it, putting her elbows on the table and leaning forwards, getting my attention away from the fridge and what was in there.

Juliet gave me a smile.

"What?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her tone. "What're you looking at?"

"You," I said, looking her up and down before closing the fridge and walking over to where she was.

She straightened up, facing me as I came to a halt just in front of her. She gave me a smile as I put my hands on her waist. She put her hands on my chest, sliding them down a bit as she bit her lip and looked me up and down.

"You know we came down here for another reason," she said quietly, still checking me out a bit.

"I know, but you made me forget what that was," I said back just as quietly; I was telling the truth.

Juliet giggled a bit, moving herself a bit closer to me and making my heart skip a beat.

"Well I don't wanna distract you from what you're meant to be doing," she said back, sliding her hands back up my chest and slipping them around my neck.

I just watched her.

"What're you two doing in here?"

Both Juliet and I jumped, seeing dad standing off to our side near the entrance to the kitchen. He had a bit of a disapproving look on his face, and I suddenly felt guilty that he'd caught us, even if we weren't doing anything he'd disapprove of.

"Was just looking for something to eat 'cause we didn't really have dinner," I said, managing to hold dad's gaze long enough and not let my voice give away that I was nervous talking to him.

Dad looked between me and Juliet as she slid her hands down my chest again and leant against me, giving dad a bit of a smile, and I knew she only did it because he didn't agree with us still being together. I put my arms around her properly, seeing as dad narrowed his eyes at us a slight bit.

"You should've thought about that before you walked out," he said, still looking at Juliet and I with that same disapproving expression and finally making me look away as I leant my chin on Juliet's head. "Make it quick and turn out the light when you leave. It's getting late and you both have to go to school tomorrow."

He walked away, heading back to the living room and leaving Juliet and I there.

"Alright, c'mon," I said, letting her go. "Let's just find something and get back to my room. I don't wanna risk Jason going through my things."

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