Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

"So you agree to help Jack?" Ashley asked as we entered the cafeteria and headed over to our usual table.

I gave a nod. "Yeah; he seems like a nice guy."

Ashley gave a nod, a bit of a smile on his face. I watched him as he took his seat as we got to the table, me taking my usual seat as well.

"You seem happy today," I noted, Ashley just looking at me. "What's up?"

Ashley just shrugged, but I could tell something had happened to put him in a good mood. Jinxx looked to him, clearly seeing the same.

"Seriously Ash, what's gotten you in a good mood?" he asked, clearly as confused as I was. "You haven't been in this good a mood for a couple months man. What's the occasion?"

Ashley looked to him, a bit of a thoughtful frown on his face.

"I'm usually in a good mood," he said. He smiled. "Now's no different!!"

Jinxx sighed, leaning his head on his hand and just shaking his head slightly. Mike looked to Ashley.

"No man, he's right," he said, getting Ashley's attention. "You used to always be this happy, but over the past few months you've been on the...normal...side of the mood. Why back to your old self?"

Ashley tilted his head to the side. "Normal side Mike? Really? You really think I'm normal?"

Mike gave him an unamused look, just making Ashley grin.

"Look man, we've got no problem with you being back to the normal Ashley, but like, why all of a sudden? Something happen?" he asked.

Ashley shrugged, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"Guess I'm just feeling good today."

Mike just gave a nod and went back to thinking. Jinxx looked to me.

"No Juliet today?" he asked, making me frown, realising she wasn't here.

"She's here," I said. "I dunno where she is though..."

"I saw her just before we came here," Ashley said, getting my attention. "She said she was gonna head this way once she spoke to someone, so she should be here by now, right?"

I shrugged, starting to get a bit concerned about where she was. Matt saw the concern on my face.

"You want me to go find her?" he asked, a hint of worry in his tone as well; clearly concerned about her.

I shook my head. "I'll find her."

I grabbed my things and got up, heading away from the table. Matt appeared next to me as I reached the doors.

"I don't wanna risk you getting into trouble," he said as I halted and looked at him. "So I'm comin' to help find her, got it?"

I gave a nod, not really wanting to argue against him. He gave a nod in return before continuing to walk, going out of the cafeteria with me following. I could tell Matt wasn't in the best mood today, so I kept a bit of distance as we headed down the corridors. I had no idea where he was even going, but I just followed on behind.

Matt came to a halt and waited for me to catch up.

"Where'd Ashley see her before?" he asked, making me shrug.

"No idea. I didn't know he'd even seen her since this morning."

Matt sighed. "You have class with her last period?"

I gave a nod this time, thinking a bit as I spoke.

"She said she'd meet me in the cafeteria after she went to talk to one of her teachers 'bout somethin', but I dunno what teacher it was or where she'd go."

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