Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

Andy's Point of View:

"So when you said you were gonna come see a friend, I didn't think you meant this," I said as we headed inside to the reception.

Vic had dragged me out of his house, onto a bus and to the institute he'd been at. We were a few hours away from home, and it was gonna have to be a short visit, as it was already nearly two in the afternoon. Vic shrugged as we waited for the receptionist to come back and tell us we were right to go in and see whoever Vic was here to see.

I just sighed and looked around.

"Y'know you had the choice to come with me," Vic said, looking at me and getting my attention.

I shrugged. "Yeah, but you deceived me."

Vic just rolled his eyes as the lady came back, ushering us inside. We followed her down the corridors, and I just looked around as we walked. After a few twists and turns, besides me being lost without any idea of how to get out of here, we arrived at the room we were being shown to.

The lady left and Vic went in, me just standing in the doorway and leaning against the doorframe. He started talking to the kid that was here, and I assumed that was who he'd come here to see.

"Andy, this' Kellin," Vic said, getting my attention. I gave the kid a smile, and got one in return. He looked to Kellin. "Kellin, this' my friend Andy."

Kellin just gave a nod and I went back to my own world as they talked about something. I felt kinda bad about standing in on their conversation; it wasn't really my place.

"Vic," I said after a bit, getting his and Kellin's attention. "I think I might just wait for you out front; I feel kinda bad 'bout listening in..."

Vic gave a causal shrug.

"It's cool," he said. "We don't mind; you're off in our own world anyway. But hey, if you wanna go, be my guest. I don't wanna keep you here against your will man."

I just gave a nod and headed back down the way we'd come, luckily remembering the way, as I'd looked around as we'd come through. I ended up back at reception, just taking a seat and waiting for Vic. I didn't know how long I'd have to wait, so I just went off into my own world again for a bit.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I got it from my pocket and checked the time. I'd zoned out for nearly half an hour. The caller ID said it was Jake, and I frowned, wondering why he'd be calling me. We'd kept in contact, but it'd been a bit since we'd spoken.

Without any more thinking, I answered.


"Hey Andy; sorry if I've interrupted something," Jake said from the other end of the line. "Just checking in I guess."

"It's fine," I said, getting up and heading over to the main entrance of the institute, heading outside so I wasn't disturbing the receptionist. "Nothing interesting's going on."

"Alright, cool. Wait, are you at school?"

"No; why?" I asked with slight confusion.

"Never mind; it's just 'cause it's only Wednesday," he said in response. "But nah, needed to call to letcha know something I found out from Tara less than twenty-four hours ago."

"Why're you talking to Tara?" I asked, still slightly confused. "I thought you guys steered clear of her?"

"It's uh, complicated," he said. "But really, somethin' you need to know."

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