Chapter 59

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Chapter 59:

Ronnie's Point of View:

"Ronnie? Hey, can we talk?" I heard Sandra say from behind me, making me groan.

I turned around to look at her and I saw she was a slight bit upset. Yes, the plan must've been working. Now that I came to think of it, I hadn't seen Jenna, she was most likely somewhere.

"No," I said, heading off down the corridor and to the main exit, planning on going out for a smoke.

"But Ronnie, we hardly ever talk anymore," Sandra said as she hurried after me, nearly dropping her books as she nearly ran into someone.

If only she'd crashed into that person and dropped her things; would've given me time to escape. Luck clearly hated me today.

I found myself giving her an unamused laugh as she followed me outside.

"Uh, no," I said as I glanced at her and made my way around to the side of the school. "We practically never talk."

Sandra looked at me sadly as I came to a halt and grabbed my lighter and packet of cigarettes out of my pocket.

"What's going on with you and Jenna?" she asked out of nowhere as I lit my cigarette.

"Nothin'," I said with a casual shrug as I put my lighter away. "Why would you think that and why am I even talking to you?"

Fuck sake Ronnie, she's stalked you for years and you're talking to her like she's a normal fucking person; snap outta it Radke, before she thinks you care, which you obviously don't, am I right?

"She's always hanging around with you and you two seem pretty close," Sandra continued, shifting her position and her books. "Is there something between you guys?"

I looked at her, making sure she heard the sarcasm as I spoke.

"Oh! You mean Jenna? The Australian one?"

"Who else would I mean?" Sandra asked with confusion as I took a drag on my cigarette.

I shrugged and looked around in case Jenna was actually somewhere around and laughing at me because Sandra had me.

"I know a lot of Jenna's," I said before looking back to her. "But yeah, she's my girlfriend."

Sandra looked at me in shock and I tried hard to keep a straight face as I looked at her. Classic.

"Y-your g-girlfriend?" she questioned, stumbling through the words.

I gave a nod as I took a drag on the cigarette again.

"Mmhm, that's the word," I said, watching her as she looked at me sadly, clearly upset that Jenna had gotten me first. "Sorry Sandra; just not interested in you and I never will be. You should've figured that out two years ago when I first told you to fuck off."

Sandra just looked at me and I sighed.

"Look Sandra, I feel bad for you, ok?" I continued. "You just spend your whole life following me, a guy who's not interested in you and won't be. I have a girlfriend now, so you have to back off. Jenna gets real protective, just so you know. If she sees you loitering, she'll confront you. There's a guy out there for you somewhere; you just gotta look and find the right guy; that's not me."

Sandra actually looked heartbroken and I actually felt kinda sorry for her. Smarten up Ronnie, she stalked you, remember? You just reminded yourself. Stop thinking of Jenna and tell Sandra to get fucked.

"You should get to class before they mark you down as skipping," I said, seeing the alarm on her face.

Without another thought, she dashed off and I found myself smiling, but feeling kinda bad inside.

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