Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Ashley's Point of View:

"Where's Andy?" I asked as Matt and Juliet appeared at the table.

They both shrugged as Juliet took her seat, Matt doing the same and leaning back in his chair, his trademark glare on his face as he crossed his arms. I looked between them both.

"Guys, what happened?" I asked, worry going through me.

Juliet just shook her head, Matt just staying quiet. I looked between them again.

"If one of you two don't speak up, I'm gonna hurt someone," I said, my tone serious. "What. Happened?"

Matt looked to me as Juliet just looked away.

"Just a problem with Eddie again," he growled, clearly not happy right now. "Andy just walked away and we don't know where he's gone."

I sighed. "Great."

"Why'd he walk away?" Jinxx asked, Matt switching his gaze to him.

Matt looked really pissed off, and I wondered if it was to do with Andy just walking away.

"Eddie had Juliet and wanted Andy to just go over and get her back; no tricks," he said. "He refused, 'cause he knew something was up."

"I told him not to; I didn't want him getting hurt," Juliet said, looking up finally and meeting my gaze. She looked over to Matt. "He was just doing what he asked Matt."

"And where's that ever gotten him Juliet?" Matt snapped back. "Eddie was seriously gonna do something, and the motherfucker just walked away! You can't rely on him anymore if he just does that."

"Fuck off Matt," Juliet snapped back. "I told him not to, so he just did as I asked! The last thing I wanna see is Andy get beaten down again because of that stupid motherfucker. Eddie's only caused him pain and misery; he's part of the reason Andy cuts himself! So don't you dare say that about him. I won't hesitate to knock you down if you say that again."

Matt just shot her a glare before grabbing his things and getting up, walking away and back to the table he used to sit at. Zacky sighed, grabbing his things and following suit without a word. I looked to Juliet, seeing her looking down at the table and trying not to cry.

I got up from where I was and went around to the other side of the table, sitting down next to her and putting my arms around her as she leant against me. I looked to Jinxx.

"Can you go find Andy and talk to him?" I asked sadly. "I don't want him doing anything and after what just happened..."

Jinxx gave a nod of understanding, grabbing his things and heading out. Ronnie was the next one to get up, getting Mike and my attention.

"Where're you going?" Mike asked.

"To sort this out for the last fucking time," Ronnie said, clearly annoyed as well.

He walked out, Mike looking at me.

"This' really getting outta hand."


Jinxx's Point of View:

Looking around, I still saw no sign of Andy anywhere. I sighed, getting my phone out and texting Ashley.

Jinxx: Nothing; can't find him anywhere.

Ashley got back to me a few seconds later.

Ashley: Uh...well idk man. Find him? Don't find him? Idk. Just keep looking?

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