Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

"You sure it's ok for me to come along?" Juliet asked, her tone unsure.

Jack was still writing away, and he'd decided he'd just stay here while we all went out for dinner; he didn't wanna intrude.

I gave a nod, putting my hands on her waist.

"Mom told me to ask you if you wann'ed to come along," I said. "So yeah, I'm sure."

Juliet smiled, clearly happy we'd cleared that up. I took her hand, leading her out of my room and downstairs, Juliet happily letting me lead. I understood why she was worried; she didn't really know anyone there very well besides me. I was honestly more worried about Tiffany or dad fucking up the night by saying something stupid. The last thing I needed was for dad to say something bad about Juliet or something like that.

Mom looked over as we came into the kitchen, Tiffany at the table as well and just ruining my mood. Mom smiled.

"Oh, don't you two look nice," she said, making me roll my eyes as Juliet kept a hold of my hand and leant against me, a bit of a smile on her face. Mom looked to me. "Cheer up Andy; it's not the end of the world."

"Well it might be," Tiffany answered, making me roll my eyes again. "The way your boy is dressed, I'm surprised his father lets him out of the house like that." She looked me up and down with slight disgust, that disapproving look there too. "You're not seriously going out like that are you Andy?"

"There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing," I said back defensively.

"Hm, well ask someone with proper taste in clothes," was the response I got.

I just shook my head and looked to mom who gave me a sympathetic look. I knew she didn't really like Tiffany either.

"Is dad around?" I asked. "Just need to talk to him 'bout something."

Mom looked at bit unsure, but gave a nod anyway.

"He should be in the bedroom getting ready," she said.

I gave a nod in return, looking to Juliet who looked back at me.

"I'll be back in a sec, ok?" I said to her quietly.

She gave me a smile and a nod, letting my hand go as I gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head, ignoring the looks I kept getting from Tiffany. I headed out of the room, hearing as mom started up a conversation with Juliet.

I went past the stairs and to mom and dad's room, knocking on the slightly open door. Pushing the door open a bit, I looked in, making dad glance over. We hadn't really spoken since the last time he'd yelled at me, and I knew I was still in serious trouble with him; he was still mad at me for everything.

"What can I do for you Andy?" he asked, going back to concentrating on making sure his tie was right.

I stood in the doorway for a few seconds before saying anything.

"Look dad, I just wanna talk for a sec," I said, looking down and running a hand through my hair.

"What is there to talk about?" he asked, still not looking at me.

I sighed, putting my hands into the pockets of my jeans as I kept my gaze down.

"Dad, I know you still don't approve of Juliet, and I know you don't like that we're dating, but can you please try not to ruin tonight?" I asked, finally looking up at him. "I'd really appreciate it if you didn't say anything bad about her tonight."

Dad stopped and looked to me. I saw him thinking, but he just looked away and continued with what he was doing.

"I know you're still mad at me for everything, but can you please at least acknowledge what I've said?" I asked, a hint of sadness in my tone.

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