Chapter 53

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Chapter 53:

Ashley's Point of View:

"I don't know Jinxx...might be an idea to go see how he's doing tomorrow. I mean, I haven't seen him since yesterday and I feel kinda bad that I haven't been back to see him, but Juliet's been there, y'know?"

Jinxx gave a nod as I played around with Crow, as Femme was crashed out on my bed near my pillow. Jinxx watched me for a bit as he answered me.

"We should all go see him tomorrow after school," he suggested, making me nod in agreement. "Though Juliet's usually there, he might need some company, 'specially 'cause his parents probably still gotta work or whatever."

I gave a nod of agreement again and looked away from Crow who'd now decided it was a great idea to attack my phone, as it was sitting next to me on my bed.

"Really hope they manage to get Eddie for this," I said. "Andy couldn't remember what'd happened; he had a concussion and stuff, so I guess that might've been it. Eddie really hit him hard this time; the kid needs to be locked away."

Jinxx nodded in agreement.

"Y'know," he said, shifting his position as I grabbed my phone from Crow so he couldn't destroy the screen. "Juliet was sayin' that this' like, the second time Andy's almost not made it to eighteen 'cause he's almost died."

I frowned and tilted my head to the side, moving my phone out of Crow's reach as he jumped on my lap to try and get it from me.

"I thought he was already eighteen this year," I said, making Jinxx shake his head.

"No, apparently not yet," he said. "His birthday's apparently at the end of the year."

"Huh; you know when exactly?"

Jinxx shook his head again as I moved my phone out of Crow's reach yet again.

"She didn't specify," he said, watching me as I turned my focus back to Crow who was determined to attack my phone with no mercy. "Ask her; she clearly knows."

I gave a nod as I thought.

"Yeah...she probably does," I said, still thinking. "But then I have to wait 'til tomorrow to talk to her and I don't wanna do that; I can't not know these things Jinxx."

Jinxx just gave a nod, not bothering to push the matter, as he knew I had a vague idea of what I was doing. He checked the time on his phone, getting Crow's attention.

"Anyway, I should probably head home," he said as he put his phone back in his pocket and Crow meowed at him, wondering where the phone had disappeared to "Catcha tomorrow I guess Ash."

I gave a nod and he got up from where he was sitting on my bed, heading over to the door. I jumped off my bed and followed him downstairs to the front door, holding it for him as he went out. He gave me a wave as he headed back down the street, me waving in return.

As soon as I'd closed the door, I went straight back to my room and grabbed my phone again, scrolling through my contacts and dialling the number once I'd found it. After a few rings, someone answered.

"Hey Ash! Haven't heard from you in a while!" Tara exclaimed from the other end of the line.

"Bullshit; we talk online all the time," I said with a bit of a laugh as I sat down at my desk, turning my computer on and waiting for it to start up. "How're we going today?"

"Depends; when am I gonna get to see you again?"

I laughed again and leant back in my chair, hearing as one of the kittens meowed at me. I looked down next to me, seeing Crow standing there and meowing at me.

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