Chapter 60

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Chapter 60:

It was amazing really, seeing how everything had seemed to calm down. Everyone seemed to be in a pretty decent mood today, and for this group, it was a very rare sight.

"Andy!" Vic called, calling the three of us over to the table that the others were at. "Hey man!"

I gave him a bit of a wave and got one in return as we headed over to the table, the three of us clearly the last to arrive. Juliet let my hand go as we all sat down with the others, Ashley clearly excited to see everyone.

"Hey man, how're you going?" Vic asked with a smile, the others looking at me as well.

"Hey; alright I guess," I said with a bit of a shrug. "Tired thanks to Ash, but apart from that, alright."

Vic gave a bit of a smile and Ashley leant his head on his hand as he looked at me and gave me a bit of a shrug in return.

"Oh well; you'd have to have gotten up some time," he said with a bit of a smile.

I just grunted in response and Mike looked around at us all.

"Alright guys, apparently I gotta pay again like always, so if you want me to getcha somethin', tell me now," he said, getting up and standing at the end of the table.

Everyone started telling him what they wanted and I stayed quiet like I always did when this happened. After everyone had settled down, Mike looked to me and I just shook my head at him, indicating that I didn't want anything. I wasn't sure if Vic had told him about the eating disorder, but by the looks of it, he didn't know.

"Y'sure Andy? My shout as always," Mike said.

I gave him a bit of a smile, hoping it was enough to convince him I wasn't hungry.

"I'm fine Mike; thanks."

He gave a convinced nod and went to join the line; I could see Brian working the counter this morning and by the looks of it, he didn't particularly wish to be there; there was quite a line this morning too and he seemed to be the only one scheduled on the counter. I saw Vic look at me, and I saw the slight disapproving look on his face.

"You should have something," he said, Juliet and Ashley knowing I wasn't really comfortable talking about this kinda thing. "You're probably hungry man."

"I'm not, but thanks for the care Vic," I said, keeping my tone steady as he looked at me with no amusement. "I also don't want Mike having to pay more than he already is."

"Well I'm sure if Mike had a problem with it, he'd speak up," Vic said. He looked over to where Mike was patiently waiting in the line. "Isn't that right Mike?"

Mike looked over upon hearing his name and looked at Vic blankly for a few seconds before just smiling at him and giving him the thumbs up. Vic looked back to me and leant back in his chair a bit.

"I rest my case."

I just rolled my eyes at him and everyone got talking. Ashley looked over to Ronnie who was texting away to someone.

"Hey, can I just ask you somethin' man?" he asked, Ronnie looking up and placing his phone face down on the table in front of him.

Ronnie leant back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Whatcha wanna know Purdy?"

Ashley looked at him for a few more seconds before he spoke.

"What the fuck is goin' on with you and Jenna?" he asked, really sounding like he wanted to know.

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