Chapter 52

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Chapter 52:

"You know Tiffany's still refusing to leave until you've gone to church with her," mom said as she sat down on the edge of the bed the next day.

I smiled in amusement and she smiled back.

"Well she's gonna be here for a while then," I said with a bit of a laugh, mom smiling at me.

There was a bit of silence between us, but a brief knock on the already open door got our attention. Juliet gave me a smile as mom and I looked over, making me smile.

"Hey," she said as she came over and stood by the edge of the bed, holding something behind her back. "You were asleep when I stopped by yesterday."

I just gave her a smile as she leant forwards and kissed me quickly. She gave me a smile.

"Got you something to make you feel better," she said, making me look at her curiously.

She smiled back and showed me what she was holding behind her back. It was a stuffed bear, and I found myself laughing as she handed it over.

"Wow, ok," I said as mom smiled in amusement. "Thank you."

Juliet smiled back and mom looked to me.

"I'll leave you guys for a bit; I have to get back to work for a couple hours anyway," she said, getting up from where she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

She gave me a kiss on the top of my head and went out, Juliet sitting down on the edge of the bed now. She took my hand as I placed the stuffed bear next to me.

"I'm so glad you're ok," she said. "I've been so worried."

"Well I'm ok," I said as she smiled at me. "And I'm glad you stopped by."

Juliet looked at me.

"Have the cops come around to talk to you yet?" she asked, linking her fingers with mine. "They've spoken to pretty well all of us now; they said they were gonna come talk to you about it as well."

I shrugged. "I dunno. They might've been around when I was out, but I haven't seen 'em since I've been awake."

Juliet gave a nod.

"Ok, well maybe they're just giving you a bit of time to recover before they speak to you," she said. She sighed. "Just glad you're ok."

I gave her a bit of a sad smile.

"Well I didn't exactly plan on leaving you here," I said, making her smile back sadly at me. "Just couldn't do that sweetheart; couldn't let you all down, could I?"

Juliet smiled and I smiled back.

"So how're you feeling?" she asked, watching me as I looked at her.

I shrugged. "Hungry."

Juliet laughed and I smiled back at her.

"Well, I didn't think I'd ever hear you say that," she said. "You want me to get you something?"

I gave a nod. "If you wouldn't mind; much appreciated."

Juliet smiled in amusement.

"Anything in particular you want?" she asked as she got up from the edge of the bed.

She watched me as I thought for a bit.

"I could really go for some chocolate right now," I said, making her look at me in slight surprise. "Plain chocolate I think."

She shook her head, that smile still on her face.

"You still manage to surprise me Andy," she said. "I'll be back in a bit, ok?"

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