Chapter 63

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Chapter 63:

Ronnie's Point of View:

"Can't believe that asshole's been at church this whole time."

Jenna looked at me sadly as I came to a halt at the gates, seeing the pastor outside talking to someone. I whistled at him, knowing I'd be in big trouble if I stepped foot on his 'sacred ground'. He looked up and saw it was me, a slight glare appearing on his face as the person he was talking to looked to me as well.

"Be gone Devil!" he shouted to me, making me roll my eyes.

Jenna looked to me. "Wow, you were serious."

I gave her a shrug.

"You'd be surprised at how often I tell the truth," I said to her. I looked back to the pastor. "Look, I don't want any trouble, ok? I just wanna know if my dad's inside."

The pastor shook his head.

"You will not step foot on this sacred ground you devil!" he called, making me sigh and almost ready to knock down a priest; I was already going to Hell, so it didn't really matter if I did or not, right?

"I just wanna know if my fucking dad's inside you Satan worshipper!" I shot back, seeing the disbelief on his face. "Now just answer the fucking question or I'mma walk straight through this gate and go inside!"

"How dare you use such demonic language in the presence of God!" he shouted back, making me sigh in annoyance. "Your father isn't here child; he left long ago."

"Bullshit!" I called back. "Don't be such a preacher; let me in so I can go talk to him. I know he stays at church nearly all day when he comes on Sundays, so don't you fuck me around old man. Is he, or isn't he inside?"

"You so much as step foot on this hallowed ground and I won't hesitate to call the police!"

I just sighed yet again and looked to Jenna.

"Alright, let's go in," I said. "And let's also hope I don't burn up when I step foot on his sacred soil of God."

Jenna just looked at me and I pushed the gate open, glad it didn't burn through my hand. Jenna just followed me as the pastor quickly dashed over and stopped me in my tracks.

"Surprised you didn't burn," he muttered to himself. "Go back Ronnie; you're not allowed here."

"I seriously need to talk to my dad; please sir," I practically begged, seeing the look on the pastor's face soften as he saw that I wasn't as intimidating as I always was towards everyone; my kid side had made itself known. "Please; he's been gone for months and my friend said he spoke to him this morning after your sermon."

"You're friends with Andy?" the pastor asked curiously, making me frown.

"Yeah, why?"

The pastor shook his head and sighed. "That boy certainly is troubled. The demons are certainly trying to drag him to the grave alright..."

I just looked at him.

"Look captain, I don't know much about what goes on in Andy's life, but he told me he saw my dad today and now I gotta know for sure that he's not dead or lying in a ditch somewhere," I said, seeing as the pastor looked back to me. "So please, can we do this later? I really need to speak to my dad if he's here; you can go back to calling me Satan once I've seen dad."

The pastor looked at me and I saw him thinking.

"I'll let you in on one condition," he said, making me look at him with no amusement.

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