Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Andy's Point of View:

"The motherfucker walked."

Matt sat down, clearly pissed off. It was already Friday, and this was the first time we'd seen him since what'd happened a few days ago. Eddie's court case was a couple of days ago, but Matt was clearly still pissed off about it; I didn't blame him.

Mike looked past me and over to where Matt was now glaring at nothing, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. He looked like he was ready to hit or kill someone, maybe both.

"I tried Matt," Mike said, getting Matt to switch his gaze to him. "There was nothing else I could do. His lawyer was just too good; twisted my words and got him outta jail time."

Matt looked at him for a few seconds before the glare disappeared and he sighed.

"I know Mike; you tried. Thanks."

Mike gave a nod as Matt went off into his own world.

"Eddie walked?" Jinxx asked, a bit of shock on his face.

Mike nodded, getting up and moving back to his normal seat as Juliet appeared. Juliet gave everyone a smile as she sat down where Mike had just moved from; next to me. I lazily draped my arm around her shoulders, mostly resting my arm on the back of her chair.

"There was nothing we could do. His lawyer was just that good," Mike said.

Ashley sighed, leaning his head on his hand.

"Well that's just great," he said unenthusiastically. "Means he'll be back here soon."

"He's already back," Matt said bitterly, making us all look at him. "I saw the prick this morning."

Everyone groaned and Matt looked to me.

"If I were you Andy, I'd make sure to stay the fuck outta his sight," he advised. "He really has somethin' against you, and as soon as he finds out 'bout the self-harming, it'll be ten times worse."

Everyone nodded and Mike looked to me, getting my attention.

"He's right; stay off his radar," he warned. "He gets people whenever he can with whatever he can and if he finds you're back, he'll purposefully target you. You need to keep someone 'round 'cha at all times, all day man, just to be safe."

"Also," Matt said, making me look back to him. He pointed to Juliet. "Make sure you keep her outta the way. He most likely already knows 'bout you two by now thanks to Hans or someone, and he tried using her to get to me last time. Keep her outta the way."

I gave a nod, but I had no idea how to keep outta the way. Eddie basically patrolled the corridors in between classes, in the morning and after school; there was no physical way I could avoid him for long.

Ashley saw the look on my face.

"You'll be fine," he said, getting my attention as Juliet put her hand on my right hand and I glanced at her before looking back to Ashley. "I'll keep with 'cha. He'll have a go at any of us either way man. It won't be long before he comes over and sees anyway."

"Either way, we're fucked," Mike input helpfully.

Everyone groaned again, knowing it was all gonna go downhill again very soon.


"Alright, we can do this," Ashley said, trying to psych himself up enough to go out into the corridors. "We've just gotta walk through that door and out of the building. We can do this."

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